16. Oppa

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Peter woke up from a short nap when he heard the kids laughing and talking downstairs, along with Robin's voice and that of someone else. The boy had taken Alexander home, like Peter had told him to, because from what Robin had told him, Alexander seemed like a lonely person, since he had left here at the age of thirteen and his friends were back in Korea. Also, Peter was kind of curious as to what kind of friend he was that had made Robin smile at his phone whenever they were chatting. Like, he didn't even laugh that much when he was with Peter. Okay, Peter didn't really have any sense of humor, he must admit, but still...

Robin came upstairs rather soon to check on Peter. 'You're awake. Have you been awake all the time?' he asked, closing the door behind him to block out the noise coming from downstairs. 

Peter shook his head. 'I slept a bit.'

'That's good.' Robin said. 'You always overthink stuff when you're awake for too long.'

'Fortunately you are here.' Peter said.

'What do you mean?' Robin replied in confusion.

'I can sleep now, because I feel secure knowing that you are here.'

Robin looked away, really not knowing what to say. He looked flustered and Peter thought it was adorable. He wanted to hug the boy all of a sudden, but he restrained himself.

'Where's your friend?' he asked.

'Oh, he's downstairs with Felicia and David. They like him a lot.' Robin laughed. 'Felicia wants to learn Korean now.'

Peter laughed as well. 'I mean, why not? Sometimes I wish I had learnt more languages when I was younger. Now that I'm all old, I can't learn that easily anymore and I'll certainly never be fluent.'

'All old, you?' Robin giggled. 'Though on second thought, you can be quite a grandpa sometimes.'

'How dare you-'Peter threatened, but Robin walked towards him with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'W-W-What are you doing?'

Robin grinned mysteriously. Then, he attacked Peter's stomach with his hands. 'Tickle attack~'

'Hey!' Peter protested, trying to get away but soon he was laughing, as he was very ticklish. 'D-Don't take advantage of -haha- the weak -haha- like this, you -HAHAHA STOP!'

'What are you saying?' Robin teased.

He's the real devil in disguise. Peter thought to himself, and he grabbed Robin's arm, pulling it. Robin, not expecting it, lost his balance and landed on top of Peter. 'Oh sh-'

He wanted to crawl up, but his eyes met Peter's, close to him, and froze. Peter too couldn't move. The boy truly had such beautiful big blue eyes and the way these long lashes fluttered up and down and the way he licked his lips nervously entranced him. He was subconsciously moving his face closer to Robin's when the door shot open. 'Daddy, Robin's friend is really coo-'

Robin and Peter turned their faces to the door in unison. There stood Felicia, mouth agape and eyes big, and behind her appeared Alexander with David. The poor guy's eyes widened and he quickly covered the kids' eyes. 'Um, David, Felicia, maybe we should wait.'

'Oh sheet.' Robin got up quickly. 'I'm so sorry, it was an accident. I-It's not what you think.'

'Sure it ain't.' Alexander said, slowly uncovering the kids' eyes. 'Anyways, now that I'm here, I might as well properly introduce myself. I'm Alexander Song, Robin's new friend. Nice to meet you.'

'I'm Peter Robinson, Robin's friend and also their,' -he gestured towards the kids- 'dad. Nice to meet you too.'

There was a little bit of an awkward silence. Until David walked over to the bed and lifted arms. Robin immediately reacted by lifting the boy and putting him on the bed. He immediately fell into Peter's arms, holding onto him tight. 'Daddy~' 

'Hm, come in!' Felicia pulled Alexander's hand. 'Daddy, Alexander oppa can dance really well. He can also rap and he makes his own songs. You should have heard him, he was awesome!'

'Oh yeah? I think we should all go to see his busking once I can go outside again. Also... what did you just call him?'

'Oh, oppa! It's Korean for big brother. Alexander taught me that. I am going to become fluent in Korean.'

Peter laughed. 'That's so cool, I'm sure my little girl can do that.'

'Yes, she is a small genius.' Alexander said. 'I've never seen a five-year-old who picked up things this quick. Also, that little human over there,' -he nodded at David who was now sleeping peacefully in Peter's arms now- 'is hands down the most adorable creature I have ever seen. I suddenly get why Robin talks about them all day.'

Peter glanced at Robin. 'Do you?'

Robin blushed. 'I don't know. Do I?'

'Yes, you do. If you're not talking about their dad, that is.'

'I don't even-'

'You do. You're like a proud mom and a pretending-not-to-be-caring wife. It's adorable, actually.'

Peter had never seen Robin's face turn this red before, but he felt himself burning up a bit as well...


Even in this book everyone is spilling tea everywhere lmao.

I have literally been waiting for another Nanny update just so I can say this girl HAS A VOICE DAYUM BRO

Anygays, time for Cattebak-

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