6. Omelette

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Peter woke up to the smell of omelette on his free thursday. It took him a short while to remember that Robin had stayed over the night after they had talked until midnight, mostly about Robin's mom, loss and loneliness, and both realized that the scars their losses had left were extremely deep. Even Robin, four years later, still couldn't sleep when he wasn't in the same room as his mom. 

He and his mom seemed to have been in a bad financial stuation, causing them to live in a small apartment without enough room to sleep apart. Both that and the fact that they were already very dependent of each other for surviving -Robin worked at a part-time job and freelanced as a babysitter to help his mom pay the bills- caused them to have a very tight bond. 

And then, that bond was destroyed in an utterly cruel way when she got hit by a car on her way to the supermarket. One day they were still making plans to survive and dreaming about a better future, and the next day their future together... destroyed, leaving Robin on his own. It was brutal. All of that because of a man who was too focussed on his phone that he didn't notice the woman crossing the street in front of him.

Robin hadn't had any time to prepare, while Peter had an entire year. Even though the doctor had said there was a chance of survival at the beginning, after six months that possibility was close to zero. Peter had considered everything, the future without her, how to move on, how to keep on living, how to take care of other matters. And while the docter had said Leah probably wouldn't last any more than three months, she even got three months extra, something Peter was very grateful for. It still hurt when she died, it hurt terribly and even now, it still hurt, but he wasn't plunged into a dark abyss with no way out. Sure, he wasn't okay, but if he wouldn't have had anytime he probably would have broken completely. He had now grieved for a few weeks, and then picked up his life and his duties again, as a father, a teacher and a son. Even though his kids didn't have a mom anymore, they must at least have a dad.

Even though it was a very depressing topic, that night, Peter had fallen asleep relatively fast. Maybe because because it was off his chest now. Maybe because there was now someone who understood his pain more than all these persons who had tried to comfort him, while what he needed wasn't really comfort, but rather a person who knew how it felt. 

Or maybe because he felt like he wasn't alone.


'Oh, you're awake.' Robin said when Peter walked into the kitchen. He didn't even turn around as he was busy putting omelettes on toast. He was wearing Leah's apron again.

'Did you sleep well?' Peter asked in a rather stifled voice, causing Robin to turn around.

'Oh dear.' he said, as he saw Peter tearing up. 'What's the matter?'

'N-Nothing.' Peter stuttered. 'It's just- just- it's been a while since I last woke up to the smell of omelettes.'

Robin took him by surprise when he hugged him, wrapping his arms around Peter's waist and patting his back softly. 'This guy...' he said, a hint of a smile in his voice.

Peter was so shocked that he stopped crying right away, but he quickly adjusted because Robin's hug felt warm and cozy and made him feel better. So, he laid his arms around the boy's shoulders, since he was quite a bit taller than the boy, and rested his chin on the raven-haired's head. 'Thank you.'

'No worries.' the boy replied. 'My mom made us omelettes each morning. Ever since she passed away, I've been making them for myself. It's like a habit.'

'Leah also made me omelettes each morning, but whenever I tried to make them, I failed. I just can't make them the way she can.' Peter laughed, embarrassed to admit it. 

Robin stepped back, out of their hug, and smiled widely. 'I can teach you! Making an omelette really isn't that hard when you know how to do it.'

'It smells so gooooooooodd~' Felicia came darting into the kitchen, in her pyjamas. 'Oh! You're still here? Yayy!' She ran towards Robin and hugged his waist. 'Are you gonna stay here today? Please, please?'

'Hey, what about me, are you not happy to see daddy?' Peter pouted.

'Of course~' Felicia whined, as she went to hug Peter's thighs, looking up at him with a pout. 'I just want big brother Robin to stay.'

Peter looked at Robin. 'It's okay with me.'

'I will have to leave after dinner though. I have some cleaning and shopping to do at home.' Robin said.

'Yayy!' Felicia was going to hug Robin's waist again, but Peter picked her up. 'Let's get you changed first, and I think Dave will be awake too by now. And then, we'll eat some omelettes.'


'It's a smiley!' Felicia exclaimed as she sat down on her chair. Peter saw it when he sat the sleepy David down. Every omelette had tomato for the eyes and bacon for a mouth. The kids' omelettes' eyes were made of snack tomatoes. Robin had truly put quite some effort in the layout, and Peter couldn't help but smile, thinking it was adorable.

'It looks so delicious!' Felicia had already taken a bite. 'And it IS dewicious too!' she said with her mouth full.

'Felicia!' Peter reprimanded her. 'You should wait until everyone sits down. And don't talk with your mouth full.'

'Then sit down quickly, daddy! I am sooo hungry!' Felicia whined.

Peter sat down laughing, next to Felicia, across of Robin. Felicia started eating right away. Peter smiled at Robin warmly. 'Enjoy your meal.'

'You too.' Robin returned the smile and they just kept smiling at each other until Felicia -with her mouth full- said: 'Why awe you guys not eawting? Awe you not hungwy? How can you not be hungwy?'

Robin lowered his head with a smile, and so did Peter. He saw the omelette smile at him, filling him with a feeling of happiness he hadn't felt in a long, long time.

He took his knife and fork and tookba bite, and the taste was so similar to Leah's omelettes.

So he cried for the second time that day.

He didn't even notice, until Felicia said: 'Daddy, awe you cwying?' in disbelief.

He quickly wiped his tears, embarassed. 'No, I'm not.'

'I saw it, don't you dare lie to me, daddy.' Felicia pointed her fork at him. 'Are you sad?'

'No.' Peter patted her head. 'Sometimes people cry because they are happy. Now is one of these times.'

'Why are you happy?' Felicia asked.

Peter turned his head, looking at Robin who was watching him with big eyes, fork with a piece of toast on it still wavering in front of his mouth. 'Because... it's just right.'

'What? The omelette?' Felicia asked.

Peter smiled at Robin, who was at loss for words. 'That too.'


The way to a men's heart is through the stomach, they say.

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