46. Rachel

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Robin's POV

The living room was soon filled with family. Shortly after Peter got home, his sister Bianca arrived with her eight-year-old son Sam, soon followed by Mr and Mrs Robinson. Alexander had dropped by when Peter was still at school, he had already left. Peter's sister-in-law, Samantha, arrived a little later, with her seven-year-old son Timothy.

Little Timothy loved reading and so did Felicia, so the two enjoyed themselves, occasionally showing their reading skills to the rest of the family. 'She's a prodigy,' Robin overheard Bianca to Samantha, her voice sounding surprised. She really is, Robin thought to himself.

Sam was helping the birthday boy with his new Duplo. David was offering him the bricks and watched expectantly as the older boy constructed them, clapping his tiny hands and cackling when he did. Sam really liked the attention and continued building with a smug smile, making the family swoon over them.

The bell rung again. 'I'll get it,' Peter said, putting his hand on Robin's shoulder before passing him by. Robin nodded. He felt nervous, but at least he had had time to mentally prepare for Mrs Wilson coming over. Peter said he would serve her himself, so Robin took a seat next to Mrs Robinson, who smiled at him. 'Nervous to meet his in-laws?' she whispered.

'I already met her before,' Robin said, not mentioning how that went.

'So I heard. Don't you worry, she's a little rough around the edges, but once you get past that, she's just as warmhearted as any mother. Last two years were tough for her, she lost both her husband and her daughter in just a few months. Can you imagine that?'

Robin looked up at Mrs Robinson in shock. 'For real?'

She nodded. 'Yeah, first her husband, then three months later Leah. Life surely hasn't been easy for her.'

'Wow...' Robin whispered. 'Peter didn't even tell me.'

Mrs Robinson shook her head. 'That son of mine, he has a good heart, but sometimes he should really look around more. She's still the grandma of his kids. If I couldn't see David and Felicia for a year, I'd be heartbroken.'

Robin just nodded quietly. Mrs Wilson and another person entered the room, looking around. She barely spared Robin a glance, smiled at the rest and then walked over to David, bending over to talk to him. 'Hi, David! Happy birthday!'

David looked up and his face lit up in recognition. 'Granny!'

'Yes, it's granny,' she said, smiling fondly. 'But what did I hear? Is it our little David's birthday today?'

David nodded happily, pointing to the table where his presents were displayed. 'Pwesents!'

Mrs Wilson chuckled. 'Yes, presents. I have one for you too. Do you want it?'

'Yes!' David reached out his tiny hands and received the package with a big grin. He struggled to open it, so Sam helped him. 'Woah, it's a tractor!' the eight-year-old exclaimed.

'Tack-o!' David repeated, trying to rip it from it's package. 'No, not like that,' Sam protested. 'You'll break it!' Peter quickly took the box from him. 'Daddy will take it out of the box, okay?'

Mrs Robinson sighed. 'Look at those shining eyes. He's going to break a lot of hearts when he grows up.'

'Absolutely,' Robin agreed. 'He is the most adorable kid I've ever seen.'

'Hm-mm.' She turned back to Robin. 'How are you doing, by the way?'

They did a bit of small talk until the young woman who had come with Mrs Wilson took the seat next to him. 'Hi,' she said, smiling at him. 'You must be the kids' nanny, am I right?'

Robin nodded. 'Yes. Robin Peterson, nice to meet you.'

'What a funny name,' she said, 'considering Peter's last name. It's almost as if you were destined to meet each other. Anyway, I'm Rachel Wilson. Nice to meet you too.'

'So you are Leah's sister?' He could see some resemblance in her deep blue eyes, but her hair was just slightly wavy and she was a brunette, whereas Leah had curly blonde hair, and her bone structure was also entirely different. But Robin just based that on the few photos he had seen of her.

'One of them,' Rachel replied. 'There's, like, five of us, actually. I'm the one directly under Leah, there's two older ones and two youngers. The youngest, Tabitha, might actually be around your age, she's twenty.'

'Yes, so am I,' Robin said. 'Wow, that's a lot of girls in one family.'

'Yeah. We have one brother though, he's the oldest. Tabitha and I are the only ones who haven't moved out yet, though. How about you, do you have any siblings?'

Robin shook his head. 'I was an only child.'

'Was?' she asked.

Robin realized he had slipped up. 'I'm an orphan,' he quickly said. Not entirely the truth as far as he knew, but he might as well be.

'I'm so sorry,' she said. 'Have you known your parents?'

'Yes, they passed away when I was fifteen.'

'That's not long ago... and do you have any other relatives?'

'One uncle,' Robin said. 'I lived with him for a few years, before I turned eightteen and became a live-in-nanny.'

'No cousins or grandparents?' she asked in shock.

Robin shook his head. 'He is the only family I have left.' He didn't want to think about it. 'But I see Peter and his kids as my family too.'

'Hmm.' She nodded in understanding. 'You love kids, don't you?'

'Of course,' Robin said.

'Do you ever plan on starting a family of your own?'

Why is everyone asking me that lately? Robin shook his head.

'Why not?' Rachel asked in surprise.

'I'd love to have kids of my own,' Robin said, 'but the only way to get there in this state is through marriage, and love... isn't really my thing.'

'How come?'

'Just... I hit a rough patch, and I don't want to experience it ever again. So why risk it, if I'm happy like this anyway?'

Rachel nodded. 'I see.'


Welp I just discovered the admission stuff I have to do for Psychology is a lot more than I expected- anyways, still not enough to keep me from updating.

I have one regret in life, and that is not appreciating this song as soon as it came out. It's so goooooooddd~

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