55. K-I-S-S-I-N-G

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'No landscape today?' Peter asked when Robin came in with the painting.

'Nope,' Robin said. 'I've been wanting to practice portraits for a while now and Larry volunteered as a model.'

'Oh! If you wanted a model, you should've just asked me,' Peter said. 'I'm always available.'

'I don't like asking people for stuff like that, Larry offered. But if you want to mode, that's okay, I'll paint you some other day.'

Peter nodded happily. 'Sure!'

Robin laughed. 'You're that happy to get a portrait of yourself? Are you a narcissist?'

'Well, it's an honor to have yourself painted by someone as talented as you,' Peter said.

'Hey, enough with the flattery,' Robin said. 'By now I know how much you love my art, no need to say it everytime.'

'I'm still going to say it everytime. A million times, if I have to. You're really talented.'

'Practice, Peter,' Robin said. 'It's all practice.'

'Robin, some people practice all their lives and are still not as good as you. But yes, practice is important too. You practiced well.' Peter patted his head. 'When I was eight, I wanted to become an artist too. So I practiced a lot. But then my best friend showed me his art. It was so good, I felt like I'd never get to his level, so I quit.'

Robin laughed. 'Just like that? You aren't very determined, are you?'

'Oh, you bet I am,' Peter said. 'Drawing was just never really my area of interest. When I'm truly passionate about something though, oh, you better mentally prepare yourself, because I will do everything in my power to achieve it.'

He took a step closer to Robin, which caused the younger's eyes to widen, but he didn't step back. Peter smirked and let his gaze drop to Robin's lips. 'You wanna know what I'm passionate about right now?'

He wasn't just teasing Robin right now. He was genuinely curious for his reaction. He would be able to tell from Robin's reaction whether John was right or not.

He raised his gaze a bit, to Robin's eyes. they were lowered, twitching a bit, as if he was trying to look away, but couldn't. He licked his lips nervously, swallowed, he was completely silent. Suddenly, Peter started to heat up as well. What if he were to kiss Robin right now? All that was left to do was for one of them to lean in, that's all it would take. And Robin seemed like he was seriously considering it right now. He felt the attraction, he was trying to fight it, but what if Peter took the final step?

Carefully, not wanting to ruin the moment, Peter lifted his hand and placed it on Robin's jaw ever so gently, holding his soft earlobe between his thumb and index finger, the other three fingers resting in his neck. Robin seemed like he was about to say something, but he closed his mouth again, swallowing it. He looked up at Peter's eyes and raised his brows. 'Try me, you tease. Go ahead if you had the guts.'

That was a yes, right? It was definitely a yes. Robin was daring him, thinking he wouldn't, that he was just playing around, but plot twist: Peter was totally up to it.

So he leaned in, and-

'Daddy we're-'

Robin and Peter turned around with the speed of light, staring at Felicia, who stood still in the doorway, mouth agape. Then, she started laughing. 'Daddy and Robin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First-'

'Felicia!' Peter reprimanded her. 'We weren't... kissing. We were just... hugging... intimately.'

'I think I saw your lips touch though.'

'No?' Robin said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. 'I don't think they did... right?'

'Yeah, they didn't,' Peter backed him up. 'We didn't kiss.'

Felicia squinted her eyes. 'I think I saw it right though.'

'You're right, Felicia,' Mrs Anderson said, coming in carrying two shopping bags. 'They definitely kissed. You shouldn't lie to your daughter, Peter.'

'He's not lying, we really didn't!' Robin defended them.

'Yeah, Felicia came in when we were about to, so we didn't actually kiss,' Peter added.

'Peter!' Robin hit his upper arm. 'We weren't "about to" do anything. Peter was just messing around.'

'You don't have to be embarrassed,' Felicia said. 'I'm okay with it, you can kiss my daddy.'

Peter chuckled, making Robin look at him with eyes full of betrayal.

'She's a wise kid,' Mrs Anderson said, putting the bags on the kitchen counter. 'Listen to her. I've always known you two liked each other. No need to hide it.'

'But we really don't...' Robin whined, even though he was obviously aware that nothing he said would be taken seriously anymore.

'Nonetheless,' Peter said, 'please keep it a secret for now. We don't want to come out yet.'

'Okay.' Mrs Anderson shrugged. 'I can do that.'

'Me too, I can keep secrets really well!' Felicia said. 'I will tell granny though. She will be so happy when she hears this!'

'No!' Robin said, covering his face with his hands. 'Not Mrs Robinson, she will tease me forever!'

'Okay, not my mom,' Peter said. 'Net even granny, Felicia. Do you understand?'

'Hm.' Felicia nodded reluctantly. Then she cheered up and asked: 'So when are you getting married?'


I can't with these people anymore-

Oh wow I just discovered this happened. Dayum bro, what a slayyyyy

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