29. Never leave me

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Robin wasn't there, five minutes before time.

At that moment, Peter's heart already started to race in fear. Robin had always been there at five to seven every morning. Sometimes he came ten or fifteen minutes early, but never less than five. 

'He must be stuck in traffic.' Peter mumbled to himself. He resisted the urge to check if there was actually a traffic jam. 'He will be here soon.'

Four minutes. The clock seemed to be stuck. Peter started pacing around the room.

Three minutes. Peter bit his lip.

Two minutes. Peter opened the front door. No sign of the boy. He still looked around very thoroughly. 

One minute. Peter closed the door.

When the hour hand of the clock struck seven, Peter's breath quickened. He checked the front door but still there was no sign of Robin or even his car.

'He's just too late, Peter.' he told himself. 'It happens to everyone.'

But not to Robin, because he doesn't sleep...

However, after five more minutes which felt like an eternity, Peter called Robin. His phone rang, five, six, seven... and then he heard Robin's voice. 'Sorry, I am not available right now-'

Peter dropped his phone, instant panic taking over. His mind flashed back to the dream, he saw Robin falling, then he watched as Robin got hit by a car, again and again and again and again...

'He'll be alright.' he told himself over and over and over and over again, but he did not believe his own shaky words.

He called again. Once more, he got the voicemail.

He sunk down on the couch, anxiety taking over him. He hit himself. 'Think straight, Peter. Think straight!' he begged his own head. So many things could have happened that could have hindered Robin, that he was late didn't neccessarily mean he-

Still, he took his phone again, this time calling school. 

'Mister Robinson speaking.' he said in a trembling voice. 'I-I think there might be an emergency, so I would like to take the day off.'

'You have seven classes today, correct.'

'Y-yes, that's right.'

He settled it quickly, answering the questions and promising to update the school. When Peter hung up, he released a shaky breath, dropping his head in his hands. 

It was twelve past seven.

He didn't know what to do.

He just sat there, fighting his anxiety and all the scenarios in his head, flashbacks starting to cloud his mind, however this time Robin's face replaced Leah's.


Then, he heard the keys being turned. Never in his life had he ever ran this fast. And then was face to face with Robin, alive. Robin was alive.

Two steps and he pulled Robin into his arms, holding onto him tight, crying onto his shoulder uncontrollably. 'You're- I thought, you were-  I-' He held him even tighter, he never wanted to let go.

Robin was overwhelmed at first, but then he wrapped his arms around Peter too. 'I'm so sorry... I overslept, and the traffic was bad, and I've forgotten my phone, it's still at Alexander's. I'm really sorry, I'm so stupid.'

'You really are.' Peter sobbed. 'Never leave me, Robin. Never.'

Robin was now crying as well. 'Why are you crying?' Peter whispered.

'I don't know... I don't feel so well, I think...'

It was only then that Peter noticed how bad Robin's trembling was, and how hot his body felt. He pulled back to feel the younger's forehead, forgetting his own tears. It was burning hot. 'Robin, you have a fever!'

'Hmm... I missed you, Peter.' Robin leaned into Peter's touch, his eyes falling shut already. Peter caught him just in time, resting his head against his chest. 'I missed you...' the boy whispered once more.

'Robin. Robin!' Peter shook him, but the younger had lost consciousness.

Well, I guess it's a good thing i took that day off after all.


There will be some major plot advancements soon y'all.

For some reason this song just suits the rather dark concept of the chapter, I think. "I'm stuck at you so that I can't escape". I like that line. Just like Peter can't escape his fear yet, probably because of Leah. Poor guy is so scared it will happen again...

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