58. Stay

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Robin's POV

Robin woke up with his body feeling stiff and a bit sore, but in Peter's arms. The smell of hay filled his nostrils right away and it was cold, but there was a small heater positioned in front of them, keeping them warm, and a thicker blanket covering them. It was pretty comfortable, for a haystack in the middle of the winter.

His back was facing Peter, so he moved away a bit so he could turn over and look at Peter. His movement caused the latter to move as well. He opened his eyes, squinting to get used to the light, and smiled. 'Good morning, sunshine,' he said in a hoarse morning voice. 'How are you feeling?'

'A little better,' Robin said, returning the smile.

'Good.' Peter looked around. 'Hey, I didn't put that heater there. And there's an extra blanket too.' He chuckled. 'John took good care of us.'

'That he did,' Robin agreed. 'It's pretty comfy here.'

'It is,' Peter said. 'I don't want to get up yet, can we just stay here like this?'

'Hmm... I'd love to, but we should really get back to the kids. I hope David didn't have any nightmares last night.'

'I'm pretty sure John and Mrs Anderson can handle them perfectly fine though. Just a little longer?'

'Tch,' Robin scoffed, getting comfortable again. 'Sure. How late is it though?'

Peter grabbed his phone and switched it on, showing it to Robin as well. It was 7:06 AM. 'We have a little time before breakfast,' he said, switching it off again, but Robin grabbed his phone and switched it back on, pointing at the weather displayed. '"Currently snowing?" Is that here or in Melbourne?'

'Well, my phone uses my location, so... here?'

Robin immediately got up and rushed to the corner, from where he could look outside. 'It IS snowing!'

Reluctantly, Peter got up as well and stood next to him, but he was just as awestruck as Robin was. 'Wow. It's been a while since I've seen this much snow.'

'I think we should hurry inside,' Robin said. 'Felicia and Dave are probably going crazy right now.'

'Yeah,' Peter said, switching off the heater. 'Let's go.'


Peter's POV (ik I don't usually switch perspectives, but I accidentally switched while writing and was too lazy to change it haha)

Before they could even reach the door, it burst open and out ran Felicia and David, fully dressed. 'Daddy! Robin!' they yelled. Felicia threw herself right into Peter's wide open arms, but David ran too fast, stumbled and fell face forward in the snow. Fortunately, the layer was thick enough to prevent him from getting hurt, but he was still pretty taken aback. Robin ran towards the toddler and picked him up, wiping his face and comforting him. ' Soon, the boy was back to smiling and required a hug from his dad. 'Be careful,' Robin said, before letting him go. Then Felicia threw herself at him with so much power that he tumbled backwards into the snow. To make matters worse, Rex had spotted him as wel and ran over to lick his face. Robin laughed, trying to push the dog away while simultanuously patting his head. 'Rex,' Peter reprimanded him, though laughing. He guided the dog away so Robin could get up. Robin wiped the saliva from his face, still laughing.

'Are you hurt anywhere?' Peter asked, helping him up.

'No, I'm fine,' he replied. 'But I think I'll need to take a shower and change, I'm all cold and wet now.'

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