7. Too fascinated

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'Higher, higher!' Felicia exclaimed in laughter as Peter pushed the swing once again. Currently it was afternoon and they had taken a walk to the local playground. In the morning, they hadn't done much, just playing with the kids and having some light-hearted chats. However, Peter had noticed how Robin had become more open-hearted towards him. He was no longer stuttering and Peter got to see his beautiful smile even more often. Also, he soon discovered the boy was way more mischievous than you would think if you saw him at first sight. And now that he had teamed up with Feliciato tease him, Peter knew he could give up the idea of a peaceful life. He didn't mind though.

Right now, it wasn't that bad though. While Felicia was screaming in excitement, Robin was sitting on the other swing peacefully. He moved the swing in a soft pace with his feet, holding the still sleepy David on his lap. The two-year-old always took like an hour to wake up properly after a nap. That scared Peter a bit, wondering if he would be the same in the future. Because if that was the case, it would be hell to get him out of bed for school.

But now, he was gradually waking up, with the soft movements of the swing and the warmth of Robin's hold.

Robin himself looked serene right now. He was staring at David's soft, brown curls with a sweet smile on his face. Peter could hear the nineteen-year-old humming softly. The wind was ruffling his fluffy hair slightly and the sun shone on his light, flawless skin, making his face look as if it were glowing. Peter was fascinated by it.

Maybe a bit too fascinated.


Felicia shrieked when the swing hit Peter straight in his face and he fell down. Laying on his back, his vision all blurry, it seemed like the sky was going to fall down and crush him. Ahh...

'Oh my god, are you okay?' Robin squatted next to him and touched his face. Peter flinched and Robin quickly retracted his hand. 'What happened?'

'Hmm~' Peter felt drowsy and wanted to close his eyes.

'You can't sleep here, Peter.' Robin sighed. He slid a hand under the back of Peter's neck and lifted him to a sitting position. Peter slowly came back to his senses again and the first thing he saw was a crying Felicia. 'Daddy! I-I'm so s-sorry, it was m-my fault...'

'Daddy zoned out, it's not your fault.' Peter reassured her, but his head was thumping, making his entire body feel heavy and he leaned on Robin.

Robin hit him in the back of his head softly. 'Aish, you big dummy, look at you.' Peter felt something wet on his upperlip and wiped it. When he looked at his hand, he saw blood.

'DADDY IS BLEEDING!!!' Felicia shrieked, intensifying his headache.

'It's just a nosebleed.' Robin assured her. He reached for his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, handing it to Peter. 'It's clean. Pinch the bridge of your nose and breathe through your mouth.'

After a short while of Peter sitting like this, Robin asked: 'How do you feel?'

'A bit dizzy.' Peter said. 'But it's becoming less.'

'Can you stand? We should go home so I can take a better look. Or should I just take you straight to the hospital?'

'Let's go home.'

Robin helped him stand up and supported Peter with one arm around his waist. Peter leaned on him heavily.

'W-Will daddy be okay?' Felicia asked in a quivering voice. Robin used his free hand to ruffle her hair. 'He will, don't worry. At worst, it's just a slight concussion, that's all. Can you hold David's hand until we get home? I have to use both my hands to get your dad home, he's heavy.'

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