47. Fortune

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When everyone had left, it was 8PM already. Peter's sisters had left early, but his mother-in-law as well as Rachel had some catching up to do and Peter didn't want to send them away, so they ordered take-out altogether. Robin was deeply engaged in an intellectual conversation with Peter's father about World War II and the impact a possible WWIII could have on their side of the globe, and since that was pretty rare, Peter's parents stayed over for dinner as well.

The atmosphere was good, which might be attributed to Peter's mom who eased Leah's mom out a bit. Sometimes, she knew just exactly what to say to make a person feel at ease. Sometimes, it was the opposite. But never with any bad intentions.

Rachel was also acting a bit out of character at first, but she loosened up quickly, especially after her conversation with Robin. Peter was a bit disappointed that Tabby couldn't come though. When Leah fell ill, it was her who visited the most, took care of the kids downstairs, distracting them from the heavy atmosphere upstairs. He missed her.

'Next week we are going to the ranch,' he told Leah's mom when she left. 'But I promise that after I come back, I will come to visit you with the kids soon.'

She nodded. 'Just let me know.'

Peter's parents helped cleaning the mess and then left. Not before they had given everyone a big hug, including Robin. Yes, even Peter's dad did. They had bonded today.

Then, it was finally quiet. David had already been put to bed, Felicia was half-passed out, watching some cartoon on the TV.

'Are you okay?' Peter asked Robin, who seemed lost in thought.

'What? Oh yeah. It was nice.'

'You look absolutely exhausted. All that running and socializing on just a few hours of sleep is not good for you. Go to bed, I'll take care of the rest.'

The rest was basically just putting Felicia to bed, who was already on the brink of falling asleep, but still.

'No need,' Robin said weakly. 'Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I will be able to sleep. I'd rather stay here instead of lying awake and overthinking.'

'Then go to my bed. I will join you soon. Let's get you a full night of sleep to recharge, okay? Not just for your sake, the kids need your best you, so you can take good care of them. Alright?'

Robin nodded, obviously too tired to even protest. 'I'll see you then.'


When Peter put Felicia to bed, he sat down next to her.

'What is it, daddy?' she asked.

'I've been thinking a lot,' Peter said, 'about mommy.'

Felicia was suddenly wide awake again, sitting up, and looked at him expectantly.

'Do you want to go see her this Thursday?' Peter asked. 'Just you and me, no one else.'

'Really?' Felicia frowned, as if she didn't believe him, making Peter feel bad for his lack of fatherness in the past year.

'Yes, and we can talk too. You want to talk to me about mommy, right?'

'Hm.' Felicia nodded, a smile forming on her face. I have made the right choice, Peter thought to himself warmly as he tucked in Felicia again and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 'Well then, sleep tight, my little butterfly.'


When Peter went to his room, he found Robin already passed out. He must have been really tired. Smiling to himself, he changed into his pyjamas and laid next to the boy, resting his head on his hands, just staring at him. He felt his heart beat faster again, a knot in his stomach. He loved the boy so much that it hurt, a hurt that almost made him unable to breathe, not wanting to disturb him in his peaceful sleep.

Being like this reminded him of the first nights he spent with Leah. Just unable to wrap his head around it, how such beauty was even possible.

Even though he had slept fairly well the last few nights -it seemed like his psychological state, which was rapidly improving, really had been the sole cause for his insomnia- tonight, he laid awake for a long time, just observing Robin, remembering every single feature, tracing them with his finger in the air a thousand times. He could never grow tired.


Around 11PM, Robin started to get uneasy, he was frowning and shifting, tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He was having a nightmare again. Peter immediately scooted over to his side of the bed, putting his right arm under Robin's head, pulling him close to his chest. 'Shh, it's okay,' he whispered, stroking his hair with his other hand. 'You're alright.'

It worked, Robin moved closer to him and nuzzled his head in Peter's chest. Then, he said the same name he had said a few weeks ago, when he was sick. 'I...saac...'

Peter frowned. This dude, again? Who was he even? Isaac... wait, could it be... Robin's first love?

He tried to recall what Robin had said about his first love: "someone who didn't deserve it", "want to pretend it never happened", "none of these moments were real".

Betrayal. He was betrayed, or played, maybe both. Peter sighed to himself. Couldn't there just be an ounce of fortune in that boy's life for once, without anyone taking it away? He really couldn't stand it. His dad being an asshole, his mom being taken from him without any warning, and then this Isaac dude... no, this was far from okay.

No. Robin had found a new fortune here, with Peter, Felicia and David. And Peter refused to let it be taken away from him. He was determined to protect this fortune with his life, to never let it be turned into a sad memory. He would protect Robin.

He hugged him a bit tighter. 'No,' he whispered. 'I am Peter.'


Ngl, I have goosebumps. And I literally came up with this on the spot, original chapter was a bit of a mess. It's literally a miracle how you can have writer's block for over a year and then suddenly: BOOM, IDEAS! And I'm just really glad I brought these two to life again, I love them to bits.

You see, in the past year I've mainly been working on two books: a Dutch one, which I usually refer to as "DSZ" which is the first book I finished since I was like 12 and also the one I want to officially debut with, and another English one called "Twisted" which will be a huge series which I will probably upload on here too once I feel like I can take it on. Both books have a little fluff like ONIAB, but a lot of dark and triggering parts as well, and the main characters deal with some major mental issues, posing danger to themselves and people around them. I find this extremely fascinating, but it does wear you out a bit at some point and you have to be really careful to not get sucked into the darkness as well. DSZ especially is very personal for me, since it is about being LGBT+ in a conservative christian environment like mine, so it took its toll. The first book of Twisted is the least horrifying one of the series, so that was kind of relaxing to write, but we're now getting towards the end where the plot gets a lot darker. So I really needed a break.

And then there's this book. It's my expertise: fluff and psychological stuff. I don't need to do a lot of research, it is linear, it doesn't need to meet very high standards, it has a happy note and is just really easy to write. It's really refreshing for me to come back here and relax a bit, especially since I know some of you really like this story, even when I didn't update it for a long time, people were still reading it, and someone even asked me to update it. Just know your support means a lot to me as well!

Okay that was my little rant on how much I love this story. Let's go pick out a nice song now.

This song is currently my biggest comfort song. Just, his soothing voice, the calm instrumentals, and those lyrics that get straight to my heart. I wanna cry everytime I hear it. Cavetown's songs in general are just 😢👌

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