73. Third chance

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'So...' Peter asked after the emotional moment had passed. 'Tell me more. How did you find out you were bi?'

'Well...' Richard said. 'I guess I've always kind of known, deep inside. I mean, I wasn't... shocked, about my feelings for you. I was just blinded by anger, but it didn't surprise me. I've always felt attracted to both genders, though I refused to admit it. I think Harper knew too. We've never openly talked about it before she passed away, but I... told her about you. Well, she told me to apologize, but I said it was too long ago, that you probably forgot about it already. And then she passed, and I fell into a deep dark hole. My past haunted me. Robin was there too when I was going through all that. I didn't want to burden him with it, though, because when he first arrived, he was so insecure and young. But we did talk a few times. He came out to me as well. It inspired me that he was so open about it at such a young age. Seeing him like that, I grew to accept that I had feelings for you when you kissed me. After that, I was confused, to say the least. I wondered if I had repressed it so deeply that I had used Harper as a beard. During that time, I met Melissa. She was a new colleague of mine. We had to work together a few times and clicked, and started meeting up outside of work. We would just talk. She had lost a partner as well, her girlfriend actually. We talked about loss, but also love. She was really open about being bisexual, having dated both genders. She showed me there was absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to both men and women and that it didn't mean you couldn't be in a loyal relationship. Somewhere around this time, we started developing feelings beyond friendship for each other, which eventually gave me the courage to come out. She was just so proud and accepting.'

'That's really nice,' Peter said warmly. 'To get a second chance with someone who loves you for who you are.'

'Yeah,' Richard said. 'Her support means everything to me. I didn't tell her you were my first kiss until after Robin's birthday though. I mean, it seems like our awkwardness was a little bit too obvious that night.'

'Yeah,' Peter chuckled. 'I mean, Robin didn't bring it up, but I know he noticed.'

'He probably did. He always notices these kind of things. But anyway... what's up with you two? When I was at his birthday... I mean, everyone in the room noticed.'

'Well...' Peter sighed. 'At the moment, just a whole lot of drama.'

'Oh no! How come?'

'Well, for this holiday we went to the ranch and a lot happened there. First of all, we almost kissed. Then, like a few days later, something happened with Larry. You know, Sylvester's grandson.'

'Yeah. I heard John fired him, why?'

'Well, apparently he takes after his grandpa. He made some... unwanted advances at Robin. It was horrible.'

'Oh my god,' Richard said quietly. 'The poor boy.'

'Yeah,' Peter sighed. 'Well, he seemed to get better, but a week after that, I got wasted and something happened between us, but I don't remember what and now he is avoiding me.'

'No way. You really don't remember?'

'I remember one thing, which is the fact that we kissed, but that's all. And it almost happened before, I doubt the kiss was the only thing that caused him to turn away from us.'

'D*mn,' Richard said. 'That's tough. I mean, I know you would never intentionally hurt him, even if you were drunk. And also, Robin has feelings for you, I'm 100 percent sure.'

'Yeah, John said so too. And I think he does, but... well, a lot has happened in his life. Just like when I met Leah, he doesn't believe in love. I think he had this picture in his mind of us living together as some sort of family without having a relationship, but now he's become aware of my feelings and it scares him. That's the most reasonable explanation I can come up with.'

Richard nodded. 'Well, but you have experience. You used to be like him, but you said Leah helped you regain your trust in love. You know how he thinks. So, it probably won't be easy, but I know you can do it. Make him believe in love again. You didn't just get a second chance, you got a third. Don't let him slip away.'

'Everyone's been saying that lately,' Peter chuckled, wiping away a tear. 'I will.'

'Good,' Richard said. 'I believe in you.'

'Thanks a lot, mate,' Peter said. He got up. 'Oh god, look at the time. I have to pick up the kids soon. Do you still have to drive all the way home?'

'Yeah,' Richard said. 'Though I'll probably just grab some Maccas on the way.'

'Or you could eat with us,' Peter said. 'I'm sure my mom will be okay with it if I ask.'

'Well... I distinctly remember your mom being... not so keen on me.'

'She won't mind if I don't mind,' Peter said. 'So, you in?'


'That was... slightly awkward,' Richard said as Peter was sending him off after dinner. Peter's mom hadn't made any comments like Peter lowkey expected, but instead she had tried so hard to act normal that it was painfully obvious how much she disliked him.

'Well, can you blame her?' Peter shrugged. 'My mom never forgets anything.'

'I know,' Richard said. 'I get it. If someone did something like that to my Rick... well, I can't guarantee they won't end up hurt.'

'Yeah. Anyways, what matters to me is that you've changed.' Peter put his hand on Richard's shoulder. 'If only all the others could, the world would be a much better place. That's why being a good parent and teacher is so important to me. The children are the new generation. By raising them right, we can make the world a better place.'

'Absolutely,' Richard agreed. 'Well, you've certainly started off strong with your daughter. Ever since Rick met her on her birthday, he can't stop talking about her. It's always "Felicia this, Felicia that". I heard she thinks Robin is going to get married at twenty-one and you'll be the one he's getting married to.'

Peter chuckled. 'At twenty-one? That is so oddly specific.'

'I know.' Richard laughed as well. 'Well, she sure is supportive.'

'That she is.' Peter chuckled and gazed in the distance for a bit, just realizing how blessed he was.

'Well, I um, I think I gotta head home now. Would like to put my little one to bed tonight.'

'Yeah, sure,' Peter said. 'Um, would you like to... drop by again someday. With Rick. So he can play with Felicia again, and I'm sure Robin would-' 

Suddenly, he realized Robin was hardly there anymore. Richard saw his face drop and patted his shoulder. 'You'll figure it out. I believe in you, Peter. But thanks for the offer. I'll call you when I have time again.'

'Great.' Peter smiled. 'It's good to have you back, Rich.'


Yeet yeet.


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