65. Tired

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Sighing deeply, Peter pulled himself out of bed for the third time that night, because David was crying again. It wasn't the first night this week. Last week, it had been relatively fine and David was still his happy, sleepy self. But he had always been really sensitive and had noticed something was off.

At first, Peter's plan was to just sit by his side and stay until he fell asleep again, but he kept waking up, so this time Peter decided to take the toddler with him and let him sleep in his bed. It did the trick, but Peter's worries weren't eased. He couldn't do this every night, that would be like admitting something was wrong and he didn't want David to feel that way. He had to convince the boy that everything was fine, even when it wasn't.

He too had discovered that. Robin had shut himself down again. It was a little bit like the day right after it had happened. However, that day they had talked it through. Peter really felt like he had truly gained Robin's trust, but it was one step forward and then three right back. He tried to get Robin to open up again, but it was like he couldn't get through to him at all. As soon as he got home, Robin left. He saw Robin like ten minutes a day max nowadays and any efforts to talk to him were futile. It made Peter feel like he hadn't told the full truth about staying over at Alexander's. Was Alex really the reason? Or did he simply need an excuse to get away from Peter?

No, he shouldn't think like that. However, he couldn't help but feel that things between them were not like they used to be. Yesterday, he just wanted to hug Robin before he left, but the younger had flinched and stepped backwards before he got the chance. He had seen the guilt in his eyes, but before he could tell Robin it was okay, the younger had put on his shoes and left again.


Even though he did not have as much trouble falling asleep anymore, his nights were broken because of David and it was taking a toll on him, so much that it became noticeable. Even his mother-in-law noticed and she asked about it, but Peter didn't want to bring Robin up, so he just said David was having nightmares again. 'Yes, that's the thing with younger kids,' she said, while patting his shoulder. 'Get used to it.'

So Peter continued to wake up at least thrice a night to sit by his side until he fell asleep again. At one point, he was just so tired that he let the toddler cry for a while, hoping he would stop soon, but after fifteen minutes, he was still bawling and when Peter came to get him, it took him ten minutes to comfort him. It broke his heart, so he decided to make up for it by letting him sleep in his bed again. After that, he slept right through his alarm, so he was woken up by a knock on his door. 'Peter?'

'Oh sh*t.' Peter got up and opened the door for Robin. 'I'm so sorry, I overslept.'

'It's okay,' Robin said. 'Shall I take David back to his own bed?'

'Yes, please. Thank you.' Peter quickly grabbed his clothes and hurried into the bathroom to get ready. 

When he came downstairs, Robin had already prepared his lunch, along with a warm coffee to wake him up. 'Thanks,' Peter said gratefully, taking it from him. That elicted a small smile from Robin, which Peter suddenly realized he hadn't seen in a while. He smiled back like crazy until Robin said: 'Are you still leaving?'


Peter was just so tired at school, he made a few really dumb mistakes which caused his students to laugh. He had class 7E too and they loved it. Usually, he was able to laugh with them, but today he just blacked out and made a fool of himself even more. He felt a bit upset about that, because with class 7E, very few mistakes were needed to make them lose all their respect instantly and today had really damaged their image of him. He got home feeling totally exhausted, lying down on the couch while the kids climbed on top of him and hugged him. 'Home at last,' he sighed in content.

Robin saw how beat he was and said. 'I'll stay over for dinner today.'

It seemed like there was finally some development, because Robin was less reserved at dinner. Although he still seemed to avoid eye contact, Peter heard his adorable laugh again and there was a warm feeling in his chest. Despite feeling tired, he couldn't stop smiling. 

Robin even stayed after dinner, putting the kids to bed. Especially Felicia was really excited about that and they stayed up in her room for over thirty minutes, their laughter audible to Peter who was on the couch. 'She just wouldn't let me go,' Robin chuckled when he came down.

She misses you, Peter wanted to say, but he kept it in, he didn't want Robin to feel pressured. 

'Do you want some tea?' Robin asked. Peter nodded and smiled. 'I'd appreciate that.'


Ehehet conversation time~

I am obsessed with this song. I think I've listened to it like a hundred times this week. The harmonies are so good, the vibe is mysterious and it just makes me want to move my entire body and get lost in the music. I love.

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