52. Brekkie

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Robin's POV

Robin actually slept pretty well, about four hours, no nightmares. Actually, he was woken up by David, who did have a nightmare, at 4AM. After that, he couldn't sleep anymore, but that was okay, he felt well-rested. He just plugged in his earbuds and continued the K-drama he was currently watching, Healer. He heard Larry and John get up at around 6AM, but he didn't want to leave David, so he stayed. At 7:30 exactly, Felicia barged into his room, all dressed up, and jumped on top of him. 'What are you watching?'

'A K-drama,' Robin laughed, taking out his earbuds. 'Good morning to you too. Hey, you wanted your own room because of privacy, but you won't even respect mine.'

Felicia laughed. 'I just knew you wanted to sleep with daddy,' she said.

'Excuse me?' Robin exclaimed. Lowering his voice, he said: 'I don't want to... sleep... with him!'

'But you do it often. You sleep better when you sleep together.'

'Ah yeah.' Of course. Robin wanted to bump his head into the wall. Why would a five-year-old know what "sleeping with someone" entailed? No one taught her.

'Still, it's not normal,' he said, 'for two people who are not in a relationship to share a bed.'

'Why not? I sleep in daddy's bed sometimes, when I don't want to be alone. It's completely normal.'

Robin gave up trying to convince the kid. 'Anyway, can you get off me? I need to get dressed. And go brush your teeth. Your breath is smelly.'

'Hey!' Felicia glared at him. Then she got off him, flipped her hair and walked away. 'I'm going to wake up daddy first.'

'Bye Felicia!' Robin exhaled relieved. Maybe he needed a few more hours of sleep after all.


When Robin went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, Peter just walked out of his room. 'Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?'

Robin nodded. 'Four hours. You?'

'Yeah, me too, nine hours.'

'Wow, you're improving a lot. And without meds, even,' Robin said. 'I could never.'

'Your time will come,' Peter said, resting his hand on Robin's shoulder. 'Four hours is already an improvement from where you came from. Your body is used to running on little sleep. That's probably why you woke up so soon.'

Technically, the reason was David, but he had a point. 'But if I'm with you, I always sleep longer,' Robin said.

'Right.' Peter thought for a few seconds. 'Maybe you're always super tired when you sleep in my bed. Or... it's just really comfortable in my arms.'

'Definitely the first one. You have very energetic kids,' Robin teased him.

Peter laughed. 'Sure, sure.'

They brushed their teeth together, stealing glances at each other in the mirror. Peter started making weird faces which caused Robin to laugh, so he quickly spat out his toothpaste. 'Stop that!'

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