23. Make a wish

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Robin's POV

Robin and Alexander were in the cinema , sitting in the last row and munching on some popcorn while watching a romantic comedy -which could as well not have been there since Robin's attention was everywhere but the movie-  when Robin suddenly noticed he was crying. Embarassed, he wiped the tears away. 

Alexander had called him out because he got a free afternoon and felt lonely, and now they were here. Robin wasn't upset at all with Alexander not knowing his birthday, after all he had completely forgotten to tell him, but Peter...

It was not like he usually celebrated his birthday. He regarded it as a day like the others, because with whom should he celebrate? But now, he finally found someome to celebrate it with, and he just...

Before he even knew, he was furiously wiping his eyes because tears kept falling, until Alexander noticed. 'Oh my god Robin, what's wrong? Are you okay? This is a romantic comedy, how can you cry?'

Seeing how Robin wasn't going to stop crying anytime soon, Alexander got up, wrapped his arm around Robin's shoulder, grabbed the bag of popcorn and led him out of the cinema hall. 'Tell me, what's wrong? Surely, it wasn't because of the movie.'

Robin hid his face behind his arm and mumbled: 'Peter, h-he... I think he forgot my birthday...'

'It's your birthday? Oh my, Robin, I'm so sorry, I had no idea.'

'It's okay.' Robin sniffed. 'I didn't tell you. B-But Peter... my birth date is literally in our contract, h-he could at least have w-written it down in his planner, but I guess I'm not that important to him...'

'Nonono don't think like that!' Alexander hugged Robin, patting his back. 'He's a clumsy person, he might have written it down in the wrong month or got the day wrong, or he just forgot to check his planner. But he's not the kind of person to forget such an important thing just because of negligence. By the way, what is your outfit even? Do you look like someone who has his birthday? Let me buy you a nice set of clothes for your birthday and then we'll go to your house to tell Peter. I'm sure he has a good reason. Well, not good, more like an acceptable one. Okay?'

Robin sniffed and nodded quietly. He still felt sad but with a friend like Alexander, how could he stay sad?


A little over an hour later, Robin opened the front door in his new set of clothes: an artistic, colourful blouse and a pantalon that felt a bit too much, but Alexander said it was made for Robin and had insisted on buying it for him anyway. He had also bought a cool black baret. 'You really look like an artist. It suits you.' Alexander had said, with a smirk from ear to ear. Now, Robin felt slightly better.

He took off his shoes in the hallway and noticed how silent it was. Were they even home? Had Peter just taken the kids to somewhere and was he now officially doomed to celebrate his birthday without the small family? 

With a slightly disappointed expression on his face, he waited for Alexander to take off his shoes and then put his hand on the doorknob. 'It's so quiet, are they even- oh. My. God.'

When he opened the door, he got attacked by confetti, popped by David, Felicia and... 'Rick?'

The shy boy ran towards him and hugged him tightly. 'Robin! I missed you.' he mumbled. Robin patted his head. 'I missed you too, Rick. But wait, why are you here?'

He looked up, and then saw the room, decorated with paper chains and balloons, and on the table was a cake, with candles ready to be lit. At the table, five people were sitting, each with smiles on their faces; Richard, Melissa, John, and even Peter's parents. 'Wait, why are you all...'

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