37. Butter

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Robin didn't even wake up right away when Peter let go of him that morning, he continued sleeping. He seemed to still be dealing with the aftermath of his fever and all the trauma he had relived in the past week, so Peter let him sleep. 

He slipped into his clothes quietly and couldn't resist the urge to walk over to the other side of the double bed, so he squatted to watch the boy. One arm stretched out and his hand draped over the edge of the mattress, the other one still to his chest, his soft lashes casting shadows on his slightly pink cheeks, he looked ethereal like always. Among the many qualities of the boy, being ugly was not present, that was for a fact. Peter found the whole sight way too mesmerizing.

His mind wandered back to last night, to everything Robin had told him, in a monotone voice. It must have been really hard for him to tell Peter, but Peter was grateful that he had trusted him enough to confide in him anyway. He had noticed how scared the boy was when he told Peter he was gay, so he had tried to reassure him to his best potential. He could never, never abandon Robin over something like this. That was aside from the fact that there were close to no reasons for abandoning that pure angel anyway.

It was just...

His heart did skip a beat when Robin told him. "Skip a beat" as in, the spark-of-hope kind of "skip a beat".

If Robin is attracted to boys, would that mean that he could like me as well? 

That thought crossed his mind for just a split second and had startled him.

Because that thought combined with the feeling was a quite obvious implication that Peter wanted Robin to like him.

It was something he had never thought about up until that moment. Robin was just his nanny, a friend, family. But never had Peter thought of the possibility that... they could be even more.

And the moment he realized that, he felt happy. Because before that moment, everything he had attempted to describe his bond with the younger with had seemed insufficient. Yes, they were friends, but then again, do friends get lost into each other's eyes? And yes, Robin felt like family but not like a brother or son or cousin or whatever, none of that.

But what were they then?

Peter wasn't sure yet. If he really liked Robin, wouldn't that mean he was bisexual? But he was pretty sure he was straight. He had left that phase when he thought he was bi behind him several years ago, right? 

While thinking about it, he was still proving his own point by getting lost in Robin's beauty. So when he realized what he was doing, he quickly got up, hurried downstairs to the kitchen and plotted his palms on the counter, panting like he'd just ran a marathon.

'What are you doing to me, Robin?' he whispered to himself.


In an impulse, he decided to try and make omelettes again. This was his first time to be up before Robin, except for when he was sick, and most likely the last, so he wanted to take his chance and do something for the twenty-year-old as well. 

So he broke a few eggs, put some herbs on it, a bit of tomato, poured a bit of the mix in the pan and covered it with cheese. It was simple, so he should be able to do it, right?

But after a while, even though the upper side was still fluid, it started to smell a bit weird. He used the spatula to look underneath the omelette, and it was sticking to the pan.


'Did you put butter in the pan before pouring the eggs in it?'

Peter turned around quickly, standing in front of the pan. 'No! I am in total control of this situation, trust me!' Behind his back, he turned off the pit.

'Don't you remember when I said I could teach you? Do you want me to?' Robin asked, obviously trying not to laugh at Peter. 

He walked towards Peter, but as he came closer, Peter's heartbeat became louder again. What's wrong with me?

Robin nodded to the side, for Peter to step aside, but Peter was too late to take the hint so Robin leaned over him to take the pan. His body was pressing against Peter's slightly and Peter felt his warmth before he pulled back with the pan in his left hand. 'Dang, you're so hot, are you sure I didn't infect you?'

'H-h-hot?' Peter stammered.

'Yes, hot. You're radiating heat.'

'Oh, hot like that.' Peter mumbled to himself.

Robin looked at him with an expression of confusion but then proceeded to walk to the trashbin to drop the failed omelette in there.


'If you add some milk, the omelette becomes fluffier.' Robin explained as he poured some of the white substance into the mixture Peter had already made. 'And I tend to use more herbs. My personal favourite are Italian herbs. Sometimes I pour in all kinds of different herbs, if I feel like it, but just pepper, salt and Italian herbs are also sufficient, and easier too. By the way, these tomato pieces are cool, I should do that too. Oh, and you can also put pieces of ham in there. Or bacon underneath. There's a lot of options. Just make sure to put butter in the pan first.'

Peter, who was sitting on the counter and watching him cook, grinned awkwardly.


Did y'all expect Peter to figure out his feelings so quickly? Cuz I didn't👀 (my characters live their own life at some point, sometimes they surprise me too🤡)

Kinda different from the usual K-Pop and that's exactly why I love it.

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