11. Security

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When Peter woke up, he couldn't even remember falling asleep. Soon after their conversation about first loves, Peter had become tired. Robin had intended to go to his room, but Peter reached over to grab his hand, saying he needed someone by his side. As the softhearted boy Robin was, he gave in and crept into the bed again. Still holding hands, they had just looked at each other, and somewhere in that process, Peter must have fallen asleep.

Light was already peeking through the curtains, he guessed he must have slept for seven hours at least, a record. A beam of sunlight fell on still-asleep Robin's face. His hand had slid out of Peter's mostly, but not entirely, his soft fingers were still resting in his palm. He was laying in a runner's position, one leg up and one hand under his head. He had rather long lashes, casting shadows on his fair skin. His plump lips formed a pout and looked...well, his future lover would be lucky.

The boy's hair was all messed up, and so were his clothes. The shirt of his pyjama had slid up, exposing a piece of his soft-looking, milky tummy-skin. Peter was tempted to touch it, but  he decided to just readjust Robin's hand in his, as it felt so warm.

Robin woke up right away and unconsciously tightened his grip on Peter's hand. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, but when he saw Peter's face right in front of him, he froze, obviously trying to recall what had happened in panic. Peter literally saw the memories coming back to him until Robin glanced down at their joined hands and retracted his as if it was on fire, rolling away from Peter. 'Oh my god, I must be stupid.' he muttered, his back facing Peter.

Peter ignored his words. 'Did you sleep well?'

Robin rolled on his abdomen and peeked at the alarm clock on Peter's night stand. 'Holy shit, it's half past eight, I slept like nine hours! Wow, that's a record.'

'Same here.' Peter said in surprise. 'It's been ages since I last slept well like this.'

Robin propped his face on his elbows, staring at Peter. 'My psychologist and I have both concluded that I can't sleep well without my mom, so why was I able to sleep? Is it actually not because of my mom, but loneliness?'

'It could be...' Peter thought out loud. 'But, no, not for me. Felicia and David have slept here too in the past year, but I was still unable to sleep. For you, it could be the case though.'

'No, you're right. Rick used to crawl into my bed too at nights when he couldn't sleep, but that didn't really help.'

'Hmm...' Peter stretched out his hand and Robin looked at him with a question mark written all over his face. Then, he rolled on his side and reached over, laying his hand in Peter's.

'This.' Peter squeezed it slightly, silently admiring the softness. 'This makes me feel secure.'


Peter's parents dropped by later that day. Peter's mom told Robin to take a break for a while. She only managed to convince the boy to stay away until tomorrow at least, so Robin came to say bye to Peter reluctantly. 'I'll be back tomorrow very early and make you guys omelettes.' he had promised, pouting. Peter had laughed, hugged the boy -he was in a better state mentally as well as physically-  and told him to take care. Then Robin left, very reluctantly, saying bye for like fifty times before finally leaving. 

'Kids these days...' his mom sighed as she sat down at the side of Peter's bed, but her tone was teasing. 'That nanny of yours got so attached to you, and it's the other way around as well. It's hard to separate you two already. He was supposed to be off next week, and yet he doesn't even want to let me take care of you for one day.'

'Mom~' Peter whined. 'Why do you make it sound as if... you know...'

'What? I just meant it's a good friendship, what are you thinking about? He's cute though...'

'Mo-hom!' Peter laughed, hitting her arm. 'He's not, actually he is the devil in disguise. Keeps teasing me all the time.'

'That's because your teaseable, dear.' His mom shook her head. 'Also, if the devil takes care of you like that, there's hope for humanity. Look at you, you're sick but your face is glowing.'

'It is?' Peter touched his face, as if he could feel something there.

'Hm, you look happy. Smiling a lot. You might not notice it yourself, but it's very obvious for others.'

Peter had never noticed indeed, but now that he was thinking about it, Robin had brought quite some colour in his life already. At the same time, many sad memories were suddenly resurfacing too. Well, he couldn't say life with Robin was boring for sure.

Robin, what are you doing to me?

'Hmm yeah, that's what I'm curious about too.' Peter's mom replied.

'Oh, did I say that out loud?' Peter scratched the back of his neck, feeling his face heat up. 'Don't misunderstand, though. Life has just been like an arcade since I've met him.'

'Oh, I can tell. And it must have been the same for him. Within less than a week he's taking care of not only a stunningly clever kid and an incredibly lazy kid, but also of their emotionally unstable dad who managed to get himself two concussions in one day, and is now just lying on his bed all day being depressed when he's alone and crying at night. The poor guy, he must be so overwhelmed right now.'

'How...how do you know?' Peter asked, embarrassed.

'You've always been like this when you're alone with your thoughts. Some things never change, sweety. I'm surprised you look so well though, as if you actually slept last night.'

'I did.' Peter said.

'So, I guess you weren't lonely last night~' 


'I'm right huh? Hmm, who was it? A certain cute nineteen-year-old boy? Oh, is that why he was so unwilling to leave? I knew it!'


Peter's dad dropped by at his room too, at the end of the afternoon while "grandma Robinson" prepared dinner while spending some time with the kids. He didn't say much tho, just asked how Peter was doing. He had never been a talkative person, just minding his own business and living quietly. He sat next to Peter's bed, smiling at him. He was a simple man, just being with the people he cared about was enough to make him feel content. All kinds of decisions or initiatives, he just left them to others. That's why Peter's mom was just right for him.

Peter didn't mind the silence, he had been longing for it for a while now. No noise, but he wasn't alone either. Like that, he was able to sleep for a small hour.


Later that night, he was lying awake on Robin's bed -actually the spare bed, since Robin would only stay for a week, but Peter had already gotten used to his presence. 

It was dead silent in the house, and Peter didn't like it. He felt really lonely again. Fortunately, he received some comfort from Robin's smell, because his mom had forgotten to wash the bedlinen. He highkey doubted if that was by accident tho, since his mom was usually quite fussy. 

He closed his eyes and turned to his side, nose close to the pillow so the scent was strongest. It faintly smelled like fruit, but also a bit minty. The mix of sweet and fresh really suited the boy. 

Inhaling the scent, Peter was finally able to relax and he soon fell asleep.


In the depth of the night, while it was pitch dark, he shot up. Cold sweat on his temples, breaths ragged, he clutched at his heart. 



aww poor guy cant live without him already

Changbin tho his vocals

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