39. Light

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'Did you do the homework I gave you?' Anita asked with a smile after greeting Peter.

'Well...' Peter slid the paper towards her. 'I stopped after a while.'

'Oh? And is there any particular reason for that?' Anita asked, looking interested.

Peter cupped the cup of tea in his hands, its warmth was calming. 'I just... all these small differences, I feel like it won't help me tell them apart. There ought to be something big for me to tell them apart easily. Their essence.'

'You figured it out rather quickly.' Anita sat back with a smile. 'You understood the assignment. So, did you manage to find out their essence?'

'I think I did, actually,' Peter said. 'They are indeed very different. I don't know how I have never seen that before.'

'Tell me,' Anita invited him to elaborate.

'Leah, she... she was like a ray of sunshine in my life. I felt happy looking at her, and I always wished to be free like her. When she left, it felt like the life was drained from my life.' Peter took a deep breath. 'Whereas Robin... he lights up my entire life, revealing even the things I have been hiding in the shadows. And even though it hurts, I'm really happy about it. Because his light is not only enough to keep me alive, it helps me grow as well. I'm not saying he is more important to me than Leah was. She was exactly what I needed at that time, while Robin is exactly what I need right now. However, I will need to continue growing, so that I can eventually reach the light on my own if I ever... lose him.'

Anita was smiling as she wrote a few things down. 'That was actually a really beautiful explanation, you know? Very clear. I can tell you really thought it through. Congratulations Peter, you found your answer.'

Peter couldn't help but smile hearing that. After all, he too was really glad that Robin had now fully become his own person in Peter's head. Peter often felt guilty for comparing him to Leah or literally replacing Leah with him in his head, even though he knew he had no influence on that whatsoever.

'Do you think you're ready for the next step?' Anita asked.

'Well, before we go over to discussing that, there's something I'd like to talk to you about first. It's about Robin.'

'Go on,' Anita said.

'He came out to me as gay, last Friday, and I've been thinking about it a lot. Not the fact that he's gay, but my own reaction. I have decided to face the fact that... I have feelings for him.'

Anita looked at him in admiration and nodded. 'That's very brave of you, deciding to not run away. And how do you feel about it?'

'Well, it's Robin. I can fully understand why I like him, but at the same time... it brought up a traumatic experience from my childhood, and urges me to face that reality.'

'A traumatic experience?'


When Peter got home, he hugged David and Felicia with even more enthusiasm than usual, and he immediately hurried towards the kitchen where Robin was preparing coffee for him already. 'How was it?' he asked, his back facing Peter.

Peter walked over and slid his arms around Robin's waist without thinking twice, burying his head in his shoulder. 'Thank you, Robin,' he whispered.

Robin froze in surprise at first, but then he chuckled and and petted Peter's head. 'I guess it went well, then.'

'She said I'm making progress,' Peter said. He really enjoyed hugging the younger like this. 'If it weren't for you, I don't know if I'd ever have grown so much.'

'Don't say such nonsense, you were always a strong person,' Robin said, smiling. 'Even though you're a crybaby.'

'Hey!' Peter said, letting go since he felt offended. 'But still, even if I was always a strong person, which I kinda disagree with, even a strong person needs motivation, and you happen to be my motivator.'

Robin blushed, and Peter once again realized how much he loved seeing that pinkish shade appear on his honey cheeks whenever Peter teased or complimented him. The twenty-year-old quickly grabbed the mug of coffee and handed it to Peter. 'Just drink,' he muttered before quickly walking past him. Chuckling, Peter followed him.


I basically haven't worked on my online stories for ages, so I wanted to share something again. And um, I kinda promised a reader I would continue this. Still on a writer's block, 6 chapters until we get there. I can't promise I'll get it all done soon. I am currently very preoccupied with school, and trying to get into Medicine at a university which is quite hard, at least here in the Netherlands. Fingers crossed🤞

Okay, lemme just say I feel bad for everyone who's never heard of this MASTERPIECE🙌

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