Chapter 92: A Rosa's Deciet

Start from the beginning

When she's finished Autumn remains near Hale and Lex, the two keeping her safe in Ace's absence. It hurt me to see how other people's absences were hurting those in our group since we were all so hung up on Kalli going missing we'd lost sight of the others who were missing. Of those taken before. Sighing I see the others mostly all look ok, all but Kessal who's staring into space with a lost, vacant expression on his face that had replaced the anger so fast I'd missed it. We all had. My question is, what has happened?

Kessal's POV:

Hearing Dana's passionate rant about Zanna feels good at first since it was an excuse to vent out some of the anger that had been carried inside me since Alex refused to let go of what had happened since Lana went silent on him. Something that happened even before I lost contact with Kalli - something that had happened just before Livy confronted me about my emotional detachment. Something I'd kept up until...

Out of nowhere the connection I'd had to Kalli's soul seemed to be shifting. Looking at it the marks I bore from her looked as strong as ever, but that feeling inside of something shifting was making me uneasy, causing Alex to whine slightly where he had connected to me again for the first time outside of rage since Kalli and Lana had gone missing. Alex? What's wrong? Is it Kalli and Lana?

I - I can't feel her Kessal. I can't feel Kalli or Lana anymore. I think Lana's gone from Kalli completely, causing her to become a - a - Alex tails off before verbalising the word I dread to hear. Runt. Someone in the wolf community had no contact with their wolf soul or ability to shift. This is what Amber would push Kalli to if she managed to do what I think she's doing. But it gets worse Kess, much much worse. Alex's sudden speaking to me makes me feel a sour sensation in my gut as I tried to pinpoint what was wrong. But something inside me still feels off, even when I check myself over. It's the Bonds between us Kess, they're fading. The Mate and SoulBonds are fading between you and Kalli and between me and Lana. Alex's words make my world shake and I plead with him to be wrong but my wolf just glances at me with mournful amber eyes that seem to show so much sadness I can barely breathe. Showing my puzzlement I notice Alex whining again before showing me the bright, ethereal, Bonds between me and my other half and my world shakes again. He was right. They were fading the longer we were apart, despite the Marks seeming as prominent as ever. Unless that too was a mirage and they were fading along with the rest of it.

"Are you ok Kess?" Livy brings my mind back to the present and I look away from the Marks on my shoulder, seeing how she's fixing me with a concerned look. "Hey, are you ok Kess? Talk to me." the others draw away from the two of us, but I can see that Dana and Braeden are half listening to both conversations. "Is it - shit." Livy's voice shoots up two octaves as she looks to where I had before. As I watch the ethereal brightness inside the Marks linking me to Kalli seems to fade and dim, the shapes fading ever so slightly. "Is that what I think it is Kess,"

"I - I don't know Liv but we need to keep moving, meaning that no matter how angry we are with her we need to speak to Zanna's parents now. With or without her." At my use of her name rather than any other address to her Zanna perks up a little but I'm too distracted to see it since I'm more worried about what's happening between me and Kalli since I was sure that Mate and SoulBonds that had been cemented the way ours had shouldn't be fading. It shouldn't be possible - should it?

Livy seems to notice my detachment and sighed, nudging me forward but not asking me to speak as we followed Zanna into the large entryway, the Spring Court colours showing in the walls, in the clothes worn by the faeries moving around. But I don't see it, my mind is torn between worrying about my missing mate and the bad feeling I was suddenly getting like being hit around the back of the head repeatedly.

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