“You are... you are so beautiful Zion...” I never wanted to let him know how much he affects me. But right now I cannot keep my mouth shut when he looks at me like this.

“Don’t you think boys should me handsome instead of beautiful Love?” the boyish grin with the deep dimples on his face right now made me do the inevitable. As I am too short, I tiptoed and placed my lips on his without any answer. For a second he was shocked for my bold action but the next instance our lips are moving together like an unstoppable wind. I think I am getting addicted to those sexy lips on mine. They mould on mine really well.

When I ended the kiss and looked at him...the feelings I felt seeing his swollen lips and the hair that’s dishevelled due to my hands running on them throughout... I think I cannot even put them into words.

“Beauty has no gender...so do you...” I got a smile on my face when I whispered it. Yep... that’s how he made me feel.

" Is that so?” he cornered me to the glass window with a sexy grin on his face.

“Hmmm mmm...”

However when he cornered me to the glass window, not only his sexy grin but also my smile died down instantly. I just felt like the air around us shifting into something unholy that moment. I think I got lost in those beautiful green orbs which had turned more darker with more desire and passion. And also I knew my ones also not so different seeing the way he looks at me with that intense look. After felt like an eternity with our staring contest, Zion’s head dipped down to my lips once more.

" Wrap... (kiss) your ( kiss) legs ( kiss) around ( kiss) me...” With that he lifted me from his strong arms and leaned me against the glass window without stopping the kiss. At that moment our bodies are glued together and the feelings I am feeling are out of this world. Lord! the things he made me feel...

" Zion....mmmm” the mourn that left my mouth like a whisper seemed turned him more.

“Fuck... I need you...I need to feel you now.” I don’t know what I did to get this reaction out of him...but I think I love that impatient, almost lose control face. And the next instance I tighten my hands around his neck and the legs around his waist. Because like he was a lightning, within seconds he moved towards the huge king sized bed in his room and placed me on it very slowly like I am a porcelain doll. When I looked at his face when he placed me on the bed, I realised what he is begging from me.

I think...though I have never being with someone intimately, I just felt like I am ready for this beautiful creature in front of me. Because when I looked at his beautiful eyes, I saw that sincerity, his affection, the love and the lust mixed with them together. And also his nervous look of my answer, even I am little terrified with this unfamiliar encounter, I felt it adorable.

" I...I am sorry...I just demanded something which is a big deal to you... I can wait..as long as you want...” his face is like he is in front of his teacher like thinking if his answer is correct or wrong.

" And... I know...” I didn’t let him finish whatever he is trying to say.

“Shhh... don’t say anything... I...I am nervous...it’s true... it’s a big deal as I’ve never done this before...But...but I am ready... to...give myself to you Zion...” I can’t believe I said that even with the inner pressure I am feeling.

“But you are...” again he is blabbering.

" I said I am ready for you Zion...” with my answer again... his eyes turned a little big for a second like he cannot believe my answer.

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