"Oh man! She's almost home! Hurry!" they say nervously.

Ryu looked forward and saw they were flying straight to a windmill

"LOOK OUT!" he yells out.

The dragons saw it, they made a back flip move and dive-bombed to the roof of their dome

After a few seconds, they landed on the roof. Ryu & Tom opened the window that was on the roof, jumped down, landed in the comfy chair & the couch just as their mom opened the door and turned on the light

"Oh. Hey mom." Tom says casually as they smile at her.

She looks at them in shock and walks closer

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that hair. You look like you've been electrocuted, Ryu." she tells him, pointing at his hair before walking away.

They sigh in relief

"You have no idea." Ryu whispers as softly as he can while smiling.

*The next day*

After school, they ran from shrub to shrub trying to not get spotted

When they got to the edge of Rakke Town they saw Chief Baker working on some poles

"Arghh, we forgot about the sensors." Tom says to his big brother.

They looked at their phone trying to find a way around the sensors when they heard a noise, they looked up and saw the sheep Ryu accidentally hit with his drone and that they had to shave

It looked mad and like it was ready to charge at them

"You..." Ryu says in disgust to the sheep.

It glared at them and started running at them, but they jumped away in time and the sheep hit Chief Baker

They looked on trying to figure out what to do

Ryu gets an idea and starts smirking

"Looks like a job for Cinnamonbot538." he says.

They got up and ran to Alex's dome, after a good 10 minutes they got to her dome and saw her doing stuff on her computer

Tom had to great idea to press his face and hands against her window while smiling and rubbing against it to make a noise and get her attention

Ryu just pinched the bridge of his nose looking down in embarrassment of his little brother doing that

After a while she heard the noise, she looked up and saw Ryu & Tom, she yelled in shock leaning back

Tom tried to calm her down and shush her

She gave him a face of disgust and opened her window

Tom puts his hands on the open windowsill

"Sorry Alex. Didn't mean to scare you." Tom apologizes.

"Sneaking up on people is my thing." she tells him seriously, but also in a joke type of way.

"We need some help." Tom explains to her.

"That's abundantly clear." she says in a matter of fact tone.

"We have to get past the fence line without setting off the sensors." Ryu explains to her.

"Can Cinnamonbot538 do some high tech computer thingy to get us through? Like you did with the maps?" Tom asks.

"Maps are 1 thing, Tom. Hacking past the security firewall is a "high tech computer thingy", that could get me in a lotta trouble." she explains, putting air quotations when she says 'high tech computer thingy'.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now