fifty two

106 1 0

April Rose
My eyes peel open, Louis softly kissing my neck. I nod slowly into the pillow and blink my eyes open. I yawn and stretch, making a noise before I fall back into the position I was in. "Baby," I hear him whisper, rubbing my cheek with his fingertip.

"5 more minutes," I whine like a three year old. He wraps his arms around me, pulling to him, keeping his head on my head. He lifts up my shirt and traces my stomach, my abdomen flexing because it tickles. He starts kissing my neck again, making then wet kisses.










I give in. "Alright fine," I sit up. "I'm up," I yawn again, rubbing my eyes and looking back at him. He looks like he's been up for a little bit, in jeans and a pink hoodie.

"When did you get up?"

"Ages, I let you sleep though," he grins.

"Oh, thanks,"

He shuffles closer to me, the smell of his cologne filling my nose. "Happy birthday baby," he kisses my temple.

"Oh," I realise. "Thanks," I mumble.

"You're older than me," he coos.

"That means I get an extra 19 minutes," I fall back in the bed, snuggling into the covers. He straddles my sideways angle, putting his forehead near my ear.

"I have something for you," he pouts, sloppily kissing me again. I screw my eyes shut, scrunching my cheek up while snickering.

"You didn't have to," I whisper.

"I know I didn't," he rolls me onto my back so he actually straddles me now.

"Is this what it's like when I straddle you?" I look at his smaller frame straddling me. He looks down.

"Yeah, I don't like being a top in this situation," he gets off me and stands up, grabbing my hands. "C'mere," he pulls me up.

I stand up and get pulled, being out in the middle of the room. He hands me a small present, it being in a plain lilac paper with a small white ribbon. "Thank you," I smile.

"Open it," he smiles. I pull the ribbon off so it becomes lose, I sit back on my bed. I carefully unwrap it to see a box. He stands in front of me, watching me. I open the box and my heart melts.

I gasp. "Louis," I look at him, pouting. Inside was a gold ring with a simple diamond on the top, sitting in a white foam slit.

"Do you like it?" he whispers making me look up at him.

"Louis it's beautiful," I bite my lip and smile.

"So you like it?" he bites his lip.

"I love it!" I exclaim. "Louis you didn't have to do this," I pout, taking it out of the box. He takes it and holds my hand out, sliding it on my finger.

"I wanted to," he smiles. "I had a feeling that would fit," he tucks my messy hair behind my ear.

I look at my hand and hug him. "Thank you so much, I love it,"

"I'm glad you do," he breathes out.

"I love you," I say first this time.

"I love you too," he smiles, pulling his head back and kissing his lips. He holds my hand out and looks at the ring, smiling.

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