
273 5 0

April Rose
My eyes peel open in an empty bed this time, Louis was in his own. I remember after dinner, I saw Louis and Harry go to Liam's cabin so Zayn came with me. We talked and had a bit of a cuddle like we always do.

It doesn't mean anything, we just lay there hugging, trying to not laugh at the face of how quiet it was. He still wouldn't tell me about the girl he likes. I found out that I know her too, that limits them down to about 4

Alana, she has brown hair and blue eyes.

Amber, she has blonde hair and brown eyes.

Ariana, she had brown hair and brown eyes.

Avery, she has black hair and green eyes.

None of them match up with what he described her with which was blonde hair and green eyes. She was tall but not as tall as him, she made him laugh but I couldn't think of who.

It doesn't t make sense. Unless he's making this up then I'm not buying it. The only blonde hair green eyes girl I know is the one I saw at Louis table but she left with an angry look.

I felt a little jealous knowing other girls are still trying to have sex with him. I mean, I'm not his girlfriend and never will be so he can do whatever he wants, it was just in the moment.

I don't care if he sleeps with a girl. Why would I care?

I look up at him asleep, his eyes and mouth closed peacefully. His chest raises and falls as he takes slow silent deep breaths. He was missing a shirt and he has nothing but his boxers on.

I bite my lip as a wave of need washes over me making me shiver. I look at his stomach, his abs being prominent and a faint line of hair from
his belly button getting lost in his boxers. He was so fit, his biceps showed that.

His hair was a mess, strands falling on his forehead. It was actually soft, fluffy almost. Speaking from experiences. I bumped into him when I was walking out the toilet block after brushing my teeth. We hadn't spoke a word to each other, other than those words we said but other then that we haven't.

It was weird. Why we had sex more that we were supposed to was weird. Moaning his name was a weird. The pleasure was weird. All of it was weird. I couldn't describe how strange it was.

Just looking at him I'm mouth watering. His eyes peel open and then blink a few time. He inhaled and stretched rubbing his eyes. He got up and walked over to my bed, he got in and rolled me on my back.

I laid there in shock of what was happening. widening my eyes when he rests his head on my chest. His hands were in fists and he kept his hands close to his chest. I laid there frozen, not knowing what to do whatsoever.

He grabbed my hand and put it on his head. I started to pat his head, letting my nails graze his scalp. He hums and nuzzles into my chest a bit more, his head on my breast.

Thai was so random. Why was he in my bed and doing this?  Why?

"My moms pregnant again," he rasps.

"Oh my god! That's so exciting,"

"No it's not," he sits up. "I'm not fucking happy about it,"

"What? Why?"

"Because. I'm the oldest yet I can't even have a lock on my door so when I'm changing I hold the door handle cause they always just walk in whenever, Phoebe and Daisy always just come in my room when I'm with a girl so god knows what they've seen, I can't use the bathroom for a shower, I have to use my moms and I can't walk in there now can I? No, so I literally get no privacy, there's always a fight going on and I don't want to add another one to the list," he wipes his face with his hands.

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