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When we make it home, I sigh. I told the girls not to say anything about the condoms to Jay. I went upstairs to Louis' room, seeing a box on his messy bed with "April" written on it. "Ooh," I walk over to it.

I sit on his bed and open the box, my heart fluttering. "Awwh," I pull out the note first.

"Hi baby, I'm quickly writing this now but just know that I love you, I don't think I can stop. You changed me as a person and I thank you for that. I hate telling you this but I'm going to, I hooked up with random girls for no good reason some times, but when I hooked up with you...I never wanted to hook up with anyone ever again. All I wanted was you, and it's falling into place, we have each other, you have me and Zayn, I have you and the boys, and I feel like my life is finally perfect. I love you so much baby and I already miss you, I can't wait to see you again either. Your sweet voice is music to my ears, and I miss my music. I love you xxx,"
-lou <3

I smile and bite my lip, tears already forming. I put the note aside and look in the box. One of his shirts that I love wearing was in the box. His Iron Maiden shirt and a plain black. They both smell incredibly like him which makes me ball them in my hands and raise them to my nose and inhale deeply.

I put them on my lap and pull out the baby blue sweater he got in the Boston box. I smile and notice he sprayed his cologne on it as well. I fold it up and look in the box, a small bottle of his half full cologne, with a sticky note.

For the clothes, or you :)

I snicker, spraying some on my wrist and rubbing them together to set it in before I inhale the scent. I close my eyes and think of him, making me smile. I put the shirts on the bed next to me and stand up.

I pad around the room, letting my fingertips slide along his desk. I let my eyes slide along the messy desk. I stand there and look at his bed, his body not in it. I sigh softly and let tears fill my eyes. I walk back over to the box and pull out the sweater. I take my shirt off and replace it with that.

It was way to big for me, my hands not coming out of the holes of the sweater. My eyes water. "Hey..." Jay comes in with a whisper.

"He's gone," my voice cracks.

"I know," she says sadly. "He'll be back,"

"I miss him already," I drop my head.

"Me too, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want," she smiles.

"Thank you," I smile back, wiping my tears. She walks over to the stuff Lou gave me, going through it.  I spot the pill box on the bedside table with my phone so I rush over to her and take the pill box before she sees it.

"I heard you again, last night,"

I bite my lip.

"Oh," I look down.

"I knew he wouldn't last," she chuckles. "It's fine, I let you guys, I knew it was his last night,"

I smile. "Thanks. I hope we didn't wake you,"

"You didn't...these babies just like to annoy me at night," she rubs her bump.

"Can I?" I ask.

"Yeah, for sure," she nods. I gently place my hand on her bump, softly rubbing it.

"Awwh," I pout.

You don't want one of those. You don't want one of those. You don't want one of those.

"Isn't it strange to have a baby inside of you?"

She shakes her head. "It's normal, I've grown many babies in here,"

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