twenty four

208 3 3

April Rose
I walked to school today. It was Monday and usually Zayn and I drive to school but no. I haven't seen him since yesterday.

I enjoyed yesterday, because seeing them together put me in a weird mood and I actually dirty talked. To Louis. I felt so good after. We actually fell asleep so my moms car made me shoot myself out of bed, Louis struggled to get up because he was tired.

Anyway, my mom noticed something going on between Zayn and I. She noticed we hadn't been talking and hanging out at home and stuff.

I slam my locker closed and spin around to see Perrie and Zayn making out against her locker in the distance. He had a small hickey on his neck, it caught my eye.

I turn around, walking to my home room. I see Louis, Harry and Niall with Barbara sitting on his lap while the other surround the table. I walk in and go to the back corner of the classroom, sitting on the chair and putting my head on the table.

"Okay class," Mr. Sands says as the class moves to their tables. I put my head up, side eying to the table next to me to see Zayn sitting there. I widen my eyes. "I'm going to give you your grade from the trip, it will tell you if you have a strike,"

He walks around, handing papers out. I rest my hand on my neck and remember the hickey on both sides of my neck, luckily my hair had been in my face today otherwise people would have saw that because I didn't have time to get rid of it today or yesterday.

I look over to louis to see a hickey on his neck but none of the boys seem to care. I know Harry knows it was me and Niall probably doesn't care anymore because he has a girlfriend who probably gives him hickeys all over.

I turn my head to Zayn who gets his sheet and smiles. "Not your best," he sighs. I look at my grade, only getting a D.

My worse grade ever.

I roll my eyes. I put that report in my bag, sighing. "What did you get?" I murmured to Zayn.

He says nothing, showing me instead. I see an A plus in a red circle with a smile face. "I got a D,"

"Yeah well, that's what you get when you sleep with someone you shouldn't, not surprised if you have an STI considering you're added to the list," he mutters coldly. My face, heart and stomach drops. I swallow my tears from how coldly he said that. I bite my quivering lip and cup my mouth to make it seem like I'm not about to cry.

I reach into my bag and pull out my glasses. I open the black frames and put them on. I grab my notebook and open it to a new page. I grab my pen and start writing anything that can to mind down to get my mind of what he just said.

i give up. i officially give up zayn. i have done everything i can to get you to forgive me and you just can't. i mean for god sakes, it was over a week ago and i tried to talk to you today because i wanted to be nice but you can't even be nice back. this isn't the zayn i know. you literally said i got an STI of louis and you said it coldly.

My phone buzzes. My shaky hands pull it out and keep it under the desk and read it from the notification.

Tommo: i heard that

Tommo: you trying to talk to zayn i mean

Me: idk what else to do

Me: i've tried everything

Me: he said you gave me a sti

Tommo: i know, i'm sorry

Me: it's not your fault

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