forty one

124 2 0

April Rose
After I have the twins their bath, I stayed in Louis' room, going through his stuff to see what I could find. I found two vapes, condoms, lube, his car keys and a empty condom packet.

I put a movie and Netflix on my laptop and cuddled one of his pillows, in his hoodie and boxers. For lunch, we just had whatever, I wasn't hungry so I didn't have anything. After lunch, I finished the rest of my movie and I texted Louis.

He was now at the uni, getting his room last time I checked which was about an hour because he didn't reply to me since then. I knew he was doing something related to his room, so I just finished the rest of my movie.

When his contact for face time showed up on my computer. I grinned and got comfortable, pressing the answer button. His face was on the screen and it gave me butterflies. "Hi baby," he smiles.

"Hey," I smile back.

"Are you in my bed?" he snickers.

"Yep," I nod.

"What's mine is yours," he shrugs.

"Tell me about your flight,"

"Boring, I watched us fucking a few times, surprisingly didn't get a boner so that's a bonus, it was a quick flight if I'm being honest," he shrugs.

I snicker. "Well that's good if it was quick and you can't always watch that video,"

He smirks and pulls his phone out, I can then hear the audio of us making my cheeks burn. "Louis!" I scold.

"Oh relax, there's no one in here," he rolls his eyes.

"Still," I shrug. "Your eyes only," I point.

He nods. "And that why it's in my hidden," he grins.

"Have you got any roommates?"

"Yeah," he nods.

"...any girls?" I trace the pattern in the covers.

"There isn't any, even if there was, I wouldn't care,"

"I would," I admit.

I would hate if he had a girl for a roommate. I would be jealous because what if she's prettier and skinnier than I am? I would instantly feel insecure.

"You don't need to be, I've checked and trust me, there's no girls in my room, I promise,"

I nod. "I trust you,"

"Speaking of," he says. "Did you take the pill?"

"Yes Louis," I sigh.

"Just triple checking," he says.

"I know but, I told you I got the pill,"

"I didn't ask if you got the pill, I asked if you took it,"

"No babies," I shake my head. "Your mom showed me photos of you today,"

"Oh my god, fuck sakes," he huffs.

"The one of you in your uniform, your little chubby cheeks you just look so cute," I coo, making a baby voice.

"Oh god, not that one," he closes his eyes. "The one where I have a red ugly thing with a white shirt underneath and I'm holding hands with someone,"


He groans. "I hate that picture,"

"You're so cute though,"

"I'm fat,"

"No you're not, everyone has a bit of baby chub," I shrug. "I know I do,"

"You're perfect ass," he sighs dreamily. I roll my eyes.

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