twenty three

251 2 0

April Rose
"Hello?" I hold my phone up to my ear as I walk to the shops.

"Hey," Louis says.

"Um...what size condoms are you?" I speak quietly. He chuckles.

"A large. Don't get your purple condoms again either,"

"That's why Im here," I roll my eyes.

"The box is gold, in a large, you'll know it when you see it," he said. "Why are you getting condoms?"

"So we don't conceive a baby, I don't want to be pregnant-"

"Enough baby talk, his Im never having kids," I can tell he's shaking his head.

"Yeah well, I'm here for that reason," I walk into the chemist. 

"I know why you're getting them but why are you getting them?" he speaks clearer.

"When we hook up, I have one on me so you don't have to use some shitty purple condom," I speak softly so no one hears me.

"Oh god, Im getting flashbacks of the fucking thing,"

I walk down the aisle of condoms, feeling a bit embarrassed by it. I see a girl my age, maybe younger biting her nail as she looks at pregnancy tests. We meet eyes for a second before we both look at the shelves. "I found it. I'll call you back,"

"Okay," he said before I hung up.

I reach for the gold box of 10 lubricated condoms in the size large. I turn it over to see a diagram of the condom, what it's used for, a bit of a description that will want to make you buy it and the warnings. I side eye the girl as she takes a test.

Her blonde hair was dirty and unwashed which really makes me think what a poor girl like her was doing with a pregnancy test in her hand, looking embarrassed as ever.

I read around the box and decide that these were the ones Louis was taking about. It was a good box, a brad I knew, the packets look the exact same as the ones I saw from the cabin and I knew they were clear.

I look at the girl who looks at me with a small and sad smile. I smile back. "Are you okay?" I whisper.

She looks at the test box in her hand. She looks back up at me, shaking her head softly. I frown. "You make sure you and your boyfriend are safe," she whisper.

He's not my boyfriend but she'll be weird if I say that.

" happened easily, and I regret it so much," she swallowed and looked back down.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"I trusted him without a condom," she shrugs sadly. "I'm glad you're being safe because I would hate it if you were in my position," she smiles sadly again.

"Boyfriends orders," I shrug. Fuck that sounds weird.

"Well...he's smart, anyway, I should go," she holds the test up.

"Good luck," I whisper.

"Thanks," she walks away while I look back at the condoms. I sigh and go to the counter to pay for them.

The girl behind the counter puts it in the bag and hands it to me. I take the white plastic bag and walk out the shop. I start walking down the street, my shoes scrapping on the pavement. I spot a blonde and a raven haired girl and boy walking down the street.

I double look to see black hair, brown eyes, a black shirt and jeans with black converses while the girl had her long blonde hair flowing in the wind, wearing a pair of black leggings, yellow vans and a oversized shirt. I gasp as they don't see me but I see them.

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