forty six

150 1 0

April Rose
Walking into the prom building, LED blue lights wash over my skin creating a warmth. Boys in tuxedos and girls in what seem like ballgown dresses were littered around the place but Zayn's suit and Perrie's dark blue dress with a slit up the side with her blonde hair styled into a half up half down catches my eye.

I smile and walk over to them, their eyes turn to me, Zayn eyes widening. "Oh my god," he whispers.

"You look gorgeous," Perrie smiles.

"Thanks, so do you," I take in her dress. She smiles. I check my phone to see if Louis answered but he didn't. I sigh and turn it off, looking back at Perrie on Zayn's lap, his hands on her hips.

"How did the talk with your mom go?" he asks.

"Good, I'm finally on birth control, and I can be with Louis,"

"That's great news," he smiles.

"You weren't on birth control?" Perrie furrows her brows.

"My mom never believed," I shrug.

"Did you take the pill?"

I nod.

"You scared me for a second,"

"I didn't see you take the pill any of the times," I furrow my brows.

"Are you accusing me of lying?" she jokes.
"I'm kidding, I have the implant," she points to her arm. I take a seat and reach my hand out as she pushes her skin forward so a thin bar pokes out of her skin and when I touch it I widen my eyes.

"Oh my god,"

"It lasts 3 years, it can get taken out and put back in whenever I want, and its so that I don't have to take a pill everyday,"

"That's a good idea, but that looks painful,"

"A little," she shrugs.

Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Ray starts to play making people around us slow dance or grab their boyfriends/dates and make their way to the floor. "Is it okay if we dance?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, go for it," I smile. They smile and walk over to the dance floor, Zayn's hands going on her hips and her arms wrapping around his neck. I sigh and look down at my phone still not having any notifications.

Why wasn't he answering me?

I watch them sway to the music, a smile on their faces. They were only 10 meters away from me and I could feel how happy Zayn is. I was jealous, watching.

I stood up, walking over to the table that had the punch. I take a red solo cup and scoop the red fruity liquid into my cup and bring it to my lips, tipping it back. A strong burn ran down my throat making me screw my eyes shut and shake my head. "Ooh," I rasp.

I take more anyway, expecting it to be spiked already. I take the cup and tap my heels on the floor over to my seat, sitting down with my dress fanned out over the floor.

I then look back over to Zayn and Perrie, their foreheads on each other as they now look very close. I sigh. He looks like he's in love, like fully in love. I'm happy for him, I am. I'm slightly regretting my choices for going to prom without Louis though.

I turn on my phone, seeing no message from Louis. He hasn't even replied. I look at my background, smiling. I open my phone to see the close up picture of Louis grinning as my home screen. I smile and turn my phone off, looking back at Zayn.

He was walking over to me, Perrie walking off somewhere. "Dance?" he held his inked hand out.

"I don't dance," I shake my head. He grabs my hands and pulls me up.

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