I grew my poisonous vines and let them snake up around her quickly but before it could prick her she sliced through them, throwing the dagger she used at me

It just about skinned my arm

I blew her over with my wind and double tapped the bracket on my right arm, a suit my dad made for me now covered my body instead of some stupid dress

'Upgrades? Okay' she smiled ripping the dress off to show she too was in a suit, a sleeve less suit.

'I did it better' I smirked then immediately throwing balls of fire at her

'Your powers are nothing compared to mine' she laughed blocking each hit with her energy

I magicked up another dagger and threw it at her, getting her straight in her thigh

'I'm gonna put so many bullets through you, your god won't even recognise you!' She shouted getting gun out of her pocket

'Go ahead, I'm an atheist' I smirked

She fired 8 shots at me but I turned each bullet into a piece of confetti and then the gun into a flower, using the reality stone in me

She tilted her head then shot at me again, this time with her energy blasts, getting me down

Before I could jump back up she was straddling me

'This is a little inappropriate to be doing to yourself isn't it?' I groaned

'You irritate me beyond believe' she whispered pulling a dagger out

'No!' I shouted trying to kick myself up

'It's no use' she smiled 'if only you weren't so weak then maybe you could have defeated me'

'Get off!' I screamed punching her jaw

She fell back and I immediately did what she did and straddled her

'Weak?' I asked then punching her face three times in a row

'Awhh that's gonna leave a mark' i said seeing her busted lip

She shoved me off her and stood up

Looking at her I smiled and did a cartwheel, landing on her shoulders and then pounding my elbow on her head repeatedly but she then slammed me to the ground, winding me.

She was sat on my chest, her legs slowly suffocating me, I was trying to pull them down, hitting and pulling them at the same time

After a minute she sat back in my stomach, giving me a chance to take a breath but then she pulled the dagger out again

'This is over now' she said placing it at my heart

Just as she pressed it in she was blasted off me with a green flash

'Alice!' Loki shouted helping me up

'Fuckkkk that hurt' i said looking at the small cut in my chest

'It's fine' he said putting his hand over it, healing it 'it was just a small cut' he said more trying to convince himself in my opinion

'Where did she go?' I asked looking around

'She's over there' Loki said looking at her laying up against a wall

We ran over and immediately I summoned up a sword and held it to her neck

'Your done' I said but just as I went to push it in she turned gold and vanished away into golden speaks, my brain going slightly fuzzy for a second as it happened

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now