Chapter 31

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  I am facing the...ceiling? I remember that the last night I was not sleeping under the roof but where did a roof come from?

  I open my eyes again with a heavy headache but it doesn't affect me that much, I hope it is not too serious.

   I slowly get up as the warm blanket fall out of me making me shiver because of morning cold. Don't you just want to go back to sleep again when that happens? I do.


I look around more to find myself that I'm alone "mmm"

"I will keep my word this time"

"Xiao, what the point of keeping his word when he's gone again" I pout as I get up, still feeling the cold, I stop at the sun flash next to me.

  I look out the window, seeing a couple of birds fly away...the outside look so peaceful, I hope something like this would last forever but 'alas, the Teyvet never have something like this, to begin with'

  I turn away from the window "I must still be in Wangshu inn..." see how high I am from the window.

"Xiao, You there?" I called him, and look every direction just in case he appear out of nowhere again but...

"Xiao...Are you there?" called him again, Something in my stomach making me nervous "?"

'He said he would be here if I call him...unless'

One more time...maybe he needs to prepare himself "x-xiao?" I stutter,


  I can feel my hand start getting nervous, 'I'm worried...I need to find someone to confirm!' something in my throat, making me feel like it would choke out.

  I quickly run outside, down the stair, and meet Verr and her husband. They were talking as quietly as they can but their expression give it away that something is happening.

"Have you seen Xiao?!" I shouted as I got closer to the two of them "I called him but he was not there, please tell me that you see him"

"Y/n..." Verr call me calmly, but her face said the other way "we see him a bit ago"

  This made me feel a bit relief "where do you think he might be?" but there is still the tingling feeling that still makes me anxious.

"Y/n, something is happening at Liyue Harbor," said Verr's husband.

I turn to look at him, scared "what?"


Back to 2's person POV

"Ha, huff"

  You can feel your energy get drain the more you move forward. You have to use your elemental energy to make yourself move faster. You haven't used them that much 'this, this is the longest I've last...'

  Not long before this, verr and her husband got intel that "god's revival, Osial..."

  You almost reach the gate of Liyue, but the Harbor is half-flooded "oh ha* huff* oh-no..." you fall on the ground as you try to breathe 'why am I here again?'

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