Chapter 2

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               — 100 years later—

It was cold out at night, you were sitting on the dead log that fell on the ground, enjoying the breeze "The moon is pretty..." you let out a hot breath into your palm and looked up at the moon, admiring it.

"What are u doing up so late, big sis?", you turn to look where the voice comes from, It was an old granny voice as she was walking up to you

"I could say the same to you" you smile, " the moon is beautiful as always" looking up at the moon

"Is it, isn't it?" said the old granny as she sat next to you.

This is Granny Ruoxin ( I don't know her age so I just assume that she is a bit over 100) she has been with you for the longest time but to you, it was like an hour has passed by easily.

You look at Ruoxin, she has aged a lot, the little girl that used to run around hand in hand with you was now gone, how time sure flies. you look back at your hand, still the same as when you first appeared here, unknown and confused but thanks to Ruoxin and her mother, you manage to adapt to your new life.

"Is it weird that I haven't aged at all?"

" still ask that again don't you?"


When Ruoxin was in her teens, you begin to notice that you haven't aged at all, from the time you woke up here, nothing of you have changed at all, sometimes you ask yourself 'Is this a gift or a curse?' Even though you know full well that you're just a- used to be mortal now is just someone who can't die.

'is it because I wish not to die in the war?' you have a lot of questions in mind but no answer, And afraid of others finding out about you, you start to travel around places to avoid other people.

but at the same time, you can't abandon that you are a doctor and also help others by curing and use your medical knowledge to make an antidote to help those in need, you keep doing this non-stop till you got a rumor about yourself as a 'traveler doctor' word been spread about you for 50 years but they all do not what you look like or how you still alive as you always travel have a hood cover your entire body from head to toe.

Human as curious as always, manage to find your personal stuff to recognized you when you have a hood on but not what you look like, all they know is only that you have a (f/color) scarf with your (fav/vision) on it, and you travel with (f/weapon) on you and a bright (f/c) pendant that attaches to it. ( if you want, you can make your weapon disappear like in the game) 

But you need a break from covering yourself. Just till now, you pay a visit to Ruoxin who used to live in liyue and now lives in Qingce Village and is also a community leader at one too.

"From what I think it was just that destiny was set for you to be here.."

"Destiny!?" You scoff, making granny laugh

" haha..yes, destiny", she continues " maybe, just maybe somewhere out there, someone needs you to help them because there was no cure here to help them...since you are a traveler doctor after all maybe you can help them" she teases

"Ash! You still the same when you this old" you joke

Granny laughs, but you are pouting but also happy that she is here with you now...

" well...Destiny can bring you something unexpected sometime..." she pauses before she continues, " like I am still waiting....for someone to come back even though I knew full well that....he will not" she look up into the moon

"....are you still waiting for him?" you turn to her,

" Mhmm...I am" granny smile and let out a slight chuckle " well, let's stop talking about this old story are here now, for a break did you not?"

" I am..." you turn back to look at the moon, " maybe this time I'll stay with you..." right now you have no goal in mind to do anything since you just got back from Samaru and travel as a doctor also hidden you're existing from the world, though you are doing a bad job of it

"Haha, why are you staying here with these old people like me?" She giggled, " I think it is time for you to pay a visit to the new Liyue and stop yourself hiding from the world...maybe you might also experience something new..."

You turn to her asking what she is talking about, but she gives you a smile instead, "like food?" You ask, "I have....heard that Liyue is not what they used to be and also more cuisines that have been created! Right?" You ask excitedly but Granny chuckle instead

"I guess that also counts, then...are you going to pay a visit?" She asks

" I might...maybe I'll go visit my pupil too, I wonder how he is doing..." you smile, " Yeh! That will be my goal, for now, to see how my pupil is doing and eat all the new dishes!" You jump up excited. it has been a decade that you have gone to Liyue 

Granny smiles as she looks at you 'I hope that you can find your happiness instead....' She though 

   To be continued...

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