Chapter 24

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*Midnight* 12:07 am (we just finished day 6/7)

-----7/7 the rite of descension

  The wind blowing softly, the sound of the ocean playing on the shore. A clear night sky with a lot of stars showing off their charm. Far away from the city, two people haven't left their spot.

  You have been sitting here with a certain Adepti for some time now, wondering about something at the same time.

"Snow..." you play with the pearl that you take out. A small shining orb that you keep as a promise for your teacher? "?" you look at it, '...why did I bring it out?' you put the pearl back, ''s not the first time either'  ignoring the pearl as if used to it.

'it's not like I can remember either'

  You look over to a person leaning on you, sleeping. Can't help but quietly laugh "hehe! Adepti doesn't need sleep" playing with his hair, "what am I gonna do with you..."

  Turning to look up at the sky with the almost full moon but shining so brightly. the time you look up, the warmth you get from it, it never occurs to you Why...perhaps you never thought of Why either.

  The more you look up at it, the more sleepy you get. you shake your head, trying to stay awake but it didn't help at all, you pinch your arm to make yourself stay awake, it helps a bit but later you feel drowsy again.

  Why don't you sleep?'re not the type to sleep when there's another person next to you. Being a doctor, sometimes you have to monitor them if something happens to them and you're asleep and They not gonna make never gonna forgive yourself

'Habit...I guess'

  you look over to Xiao who is still asleep and glance over at your hand that still twirls together with him. You carefully examine his pulse and temperature without waking him

"...all good" you mumbled

  You start to feel your head nodding, you look over to Xiao again "he's alright..." you start to feel your eyes shutting by themselves "if I fall...asleep, he not with me, when...I wake up..." you fall asleep next to him leaning Your back against the rock.


1:06 am


  You can feel the tingling feeling or sound next to you, moving closer and closer "em..." you make a little noise as you try to open your eyes.

  You can sense a warm being next to you, as you manage to open your eyes. The place is dark except for the light of the moon from the window and dim light from one candle up at the wall.

  Trying to adjust to the environment, you manage to see your surroundings, as the moon shines brighter the more clear you can see.

  On a warm and soft bed, a warm blanket on you but not just you...there lay another being next to you.

"...?" slow-reacting, you open your sleepy eyes to meet with, like someone's chest.

You can feel someone's arm around you, '...?'

You slowly look up to see...him, His gold eyes looking at you curiously "...Did I wake you?" he asks

"..." you try to process your thought

"...!!" This time you are wide awake

"What's wrong, y/n?" he asks, playing with the side of your hair

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