Chapter 12

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  The sun hasn't set yet, still shining bright in the sky, with a few chipping birds flying around. You let out a long breath and begin your normal routine. After getting yourself ready, you have something important to do today "No such shall stop me and my herb!" You pack your bag and begin to walk to the receptionist.

  Seeing Verr there as always, you try not to disturb her but she calls out to you anyway, "Are you feeling better now?" she smiles, she looks at you from top to bottom, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Well...I am..." you said nervously, "I am feeling a lot better now, plus it was not that bad in the beginning...haha"

"Really?" Verr doesn't look very convinced, "Is it urgent?"


'Of course, it is! I have been delayed for 3 days now if I'm not fast enough. My precious herb will be gone' you try not to scream out loud.

  Verr looks at you and gives out a long sigh* "Well, it can't be helped..." She felt a bit relieved, "Stay here for a bit, I have asked the chef to make you some porridge, it will help!" she claps her hand happily.

"You don't have to..." you try to decline

"No, I insist! Wait here for a bit. I'll be back!" she said and walked off to the kitchen, leaving you alone waiting at the receptionist.

  You stay at the same place and turn around in an indifferent direction. "What do I do now..." said that but you look up and see a lot of stairs leading to different sections of the balcony.

  You were reminded of someone, "I wonder if he will be there?" excited, you walk up the stairs to the tallest balcony on this tree.

  When you finally arrive, you feel a bit disappointed to see no one here. You walk around and look left and right but he was nowhere to be seen, without thinking you blur out the words "Xiao..." you mumble, you cover your mouth in embarrassment, 'yeah! Like he will appear if I call him' you wave your hand in the air trying to chase the thought away.

  All of a sudden a hand lay on your shoulder. You flinch and turn around to see a familiar face in front of you, his green hair flattering in the air with the wind and matching with his amber eyes who shine really bright even in daylight if you have to work just to see this face every day it was worth it, Your heart is beating louder so loud that you thought it going to fly out any moment.

"You call?" he said,


"Didn't you call out my name?" he said, tilling his head while crossing his arm.

"Call out your name?...." you think for a second, "Ah!! A moment ago!" Though you figure it out, your whole face starts to feel warm, no, more like hot, you turn your face away to avoid his gaze 'maybe it's the heat...I just got out from cram after all' you convince yourself.

  You peek back to look at the green hair Adeptus, who looks at you confused, 'she avoided my eyes again...'  Xiao thought feeling a bit down.

"But why did you appear just because I called you?" You ask him, still hiding your red face.

Xiao stood still like he was confused too "you're right...I wonder why myself too..." he looked at you who turned your head back a bit, he continued "when I heard a familiar voice Call out my name, I was here without knowing..."

"Xiao?" you look at him, his eyes are fixed on his hand, '...he looks confused...and, me too...' Xiao turned back and met your eyes, you were caught by surprise and immediately turned back again to cover yourself with your hand.

Xiao looks at you, still covering your face with your hand, "where are you going?" he asks

"Oh! the mountain..." you said, trying to compose yourself.

His eyebrow twitched, "Which one?" he growled.

 You were taken back by his voice, "around here...somewhere, It not that far...I think," you try to remember

A tick mark formed on his head,

"H-hey...I remember the way but I don't know the name" you reason him. He looks at you a bit and sighs, "let's-"

"Y/nnnnnnn!" Verr call out to you from the reception

You look back, "Well you look at that, she took a while huh. since she's here, I'll Get going now, bye xiao!" You wave at him and are about to walk to the reception but are stopped by Xiao. He holds your arm from behind, "I-I.." he tries to say something

"What's wrong?" you ask him in confuse

"Y/nnnn!" Verr shout out lounder

"Coming!" You yell back, "I'll get going now...Xiao?" He is still holding your arm but his hand slides down to the edge of your finger, holding them gently.

"I-I.." he looked flustered and looked away, you can feel him trying to say something,


He looks back up and looks straight into your eyes, "I-I will go too..." You can see his ear turning red from both sides and so are you, including both of your cheeks, 'he just wants to go, why am I getting fluster!'

"A-Alright!" You stutter, both of you fell into the silence of embarrassment 'why are we so quiet! I need to say something!'

"Y/n!" A voice call from the entrance of the balcony, Verr walking in quite annoying because someone isn't appearing when call out, "You have me worry quite a bit when not showing face-'' she stops her track and sees an Adeptus, behind you holding your fingers, "ah!" She immediately understood.

"I must have interrupted your time!" She claps her hand, "you must be busy, to not come down" she smirks

"N-no, it's not like that!" You protest

She steps forward and stops in front of you "here!" She handed a warm box to you, and walked away "Good luck to you two and your Journey too!" And so she went leaving you and the Adeptus in silence once again

You peek back to look at Xiao in confused at what Verr just said "What does she mean by that"

"Haha! who knows" you laugh it out, "Well, shall we go?" he nods, you smile Brightly back at him "Follow me!"

 You turn away and walk off with Xiao still holding your fingers, Xiao looks at you from behind feeling off into the moment into the smell of fresh herb blowing through him, leaving him with a faith smile at the end.

To be continued...

Thank you for being patient with me!

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