With extreme care, I made my way down the stairs where Ava was waiting by the front door.

"Finally!" she exclaimed. "Now put your shoes on and let's go."

            I sat at the bottom of the staircase and took my time putting the shoes on my feet, afraid that any sudden movements would convert me back to a cripple. (No offense to the wheelchair bound people out there but wheelchairs are so not my thing.)

            Ava constantly glanced around the room and at the top of the stairs as if Ted would appear out of anywhere.

"I don't think he'll be getting up anytime soon. You probably broke his face with those kicks. Chill out," I commented.

"Spoke too soon," Ava said with a tinge of fear in her voice.

            I turned in the direction she was looking and there was Ted at the top of the stairs grinning like a psycho with blood staining the side of his face. He was hunched over, clutching his ribs but he still managed to look like a threat.

            Ava pulled a pistol out of seemingly thin air and pointed it towards him.

"Ava," said Ted dryly. "I thought I told you never to play with guns. They're dangerous." His voice had a fatherly tone in it that made me sick.

"How does he know your name?" I asked frantically.

"Get out of the way," she told me fiercely. "He's going to be falling down the stairs in about three seconds."

            I didn't have to be told twice. I moved as quickly as I could with my stiff legs and stood near the front door. She fired twice and hit the target both times. My jaw practically dropped to the floor when Ted came tumbling down the stairs just as predicted.

"Let's move," Ava said. "I forgot to put the silencer on. The cops will be here any minute."

"Cops? Oh God," I mumbled.

            Before I knew it, I was being shoved out the door and into the Mini Cooper Vicky and I share. Ava threw it into drive and peeled out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's better if you don't know yet," she responded.

            Déjà vu. I could've sworn I've been here before. It's most likely a movie I saw and that happened to be a line from it. All I know is this is getting freaky.

"Is there anyone you need to take with you like a sister or something?" Ava asked casually.

"Yeah but she's at that ski trip for another two days. How did you know I have a sister?"

"It was just a lucky guess. What about a close friend?"

"I don't want to involve my friends in this mess," I said sadly.

"You're a good friend," she said simply.

            We speeded down the highway oblivious of the cops hiding in the foliage alongside the road. Sirens began wailing and we simultaneously looked back to see a police car speeding after us with lights flashing.

"Shit," Ava muttered under her breath.  

            She pulled over and waited for the policeman to walk up beside the car. Once he was close enough she rolled down the window and smiled cheerfully at him. Thank God it was a guy.

"Is there a problem officer?"

"Do you know how fast you were going just now?"

"No officer I have no idea. I'm new to this area and have absolutely no clue what the speed limits are." To me she sounded like a bit of a smart ass but I guess to him she sounded sincere.

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