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Winter melts quickly into spring. Exams are coming up sooner than any of us want to admit and I want to try and squeeze in a real date with Clara before we get too busy.

I'm ashamed to say that, despite her agreeing to be my girlfriend over two months ago, we still haven't found the time to go on a proper date. We see each other at school, at orchestra and she's now constantly dividing her time between my sister and I at our house or out and about, but it's not the same. It's not a date.

We haven't exactly gone about starting our relationship in the usual way, but I still want the same experiences. I want first date nerves, learning all about each other, that horrible nervous excitement you get in the pit of your stomach.

When lunch rolls around I slide into the chair next to her, watching as she laughs at a story that Kia is animatedly telling. I think it's about a horse but to be honest, I'm not really paying attention.

Clara's hand automatically weasels its way into mine, flashing me a smile before returning her attention to my sister.

I squeeze it softly in mine, playing with her fingers until my sister has finished hogging her attention.

Michael comes to my rescue, swooping down and stealing a kiss on Kia's cheek, ultimately rendering her red and speechless. I take my moment quickly, knowing that speechlessness does not render my sister silent for long.

"Do you have plans this weekend?" I ask Clara quietly, trying to ignore Michael as his fingers fondle my sister. Okay, so he's prodding her but really, it's the same.

"Mmm nope." Clara says, her eyes shining with preempted excitement.

"Would you..did you want to maybe...go on a date?" I ask quickly.

"About time." Kia interrupts and I glare at her sharply.

"I'd love to." Clara says sweetly and I nod, inwardly pleased but on the other hand, I am now expected to have a date planned.

I smile easily, leaning back as Kia rolls her eyes and steals my soulmates attention once again. I take advantage of the moment and meet Michael's gaze with my own panicked stare.

"What the fuck do I do?" I mouth and he laughs silently, shrugging unhelpfully.

I heave a sigh and wrack my brain, nearly hurting myself trying to think of something special enough for my first date with my soulmate. I know it doesn't matter much, in the grand scheme of things, but it does to me.

I jot down a few ideas on my phone and as soon as college finishes, I race home to work on my plan.

I get creative with coloured card, I plan out every step of the evening nearly to the minute and even borrow some props from my (reluctant) mother.

"Be careful, Kit, please! That was your grandmothers!" My mum says, her anxiety clear in her voice as I clink down the hallway on Saturday morning.

"What on earth are you doing with that?" Kia asks, watching from her doorway and I smile sneakily.

"It's for my date." I murmur and she looks even more perplexed.

"Are you taking her to a cemetery?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

I pack my bag with everything I'll need and anxiously wait until the time comes to meet Clara. I'm in comfy, warm clothes as it's still a bit cold out and I'm sweating in them by the time comes to leave.

"Everything will be fine, Kit." My mum says, soothing me as I shrug on my jacket.

"I know." I mumble, checking for the ten thousandth time that I have everything I could possibly need.

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