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It is confirmed that Clara's charm is effective on everyone in the Taylor family. Mum and dad seem to adore her, and family dinner soon became an invitation that was unconditionally extended to Clara too. By the time she left, I wasn't sure who was more in love with her, me or my mum.

Clara texts that dinner with her parents has been scheduled for Friday night, in three days time. I idly wonder what to wear, what her parents are like and what the hell they'll think of me. I have no idea what they're like and find myself envious of Clara.

At least she somewhat knew my parents from coming round to see Kia.

My thoughts are disrupted by Saskia as she throws her sock at me from the hallway. I turn on my bed, grimacing as I catapult my own sock at her face.

She waltzes in and sits at my desk, twirling around before fingering the little blue box that still sits there.

"What's this?" She asks and I sit up, my expression sheepish.

"Clara's Christmas present." I admit and Kia laughs.

"Already? Or do you mean from last Christmas?" She asks and I raise an eyebrow, flopping back down onto my bed. The idea that I am that prepared for Christmas is laughable.

She nods and tries to peek under the lid without disturbing the ribbon.

"So what have you got for her birthday?" Kia asks and I bolt upright once more.

"What!?" I ask urgently, my eyes bugging out of my head.

"Yeah, it's this Friday. Don't tell me you didn't know." She says, laughing at me.

I groan, leaning my head into my hands as I desperately wrack my brain for what to do. This was completely unknown territory, what does a boyfriend get his girlfriend for her birthday? Is it different if they are your soulmate?

"Wait, this Friday? Her parents have asked me round for dinner on Friday." I state and Kia shakes her head, laughing all the more.

"Oh man, now you have to do double good or her parents will hate you." Kia says and I scowl at her. She's still fiddling with Clara's Christmas gift and I snatch it away, walking over to my chest of draws and tugging open the bottom one.

I go to throw it in with the others when Kia stops me.

"What are all of those?" Kia asks, pointing to the little wrapped parcels, each in different paper.

"Nothing." I mutter, trying to close the drawer.

"Are they all for her?" She asks, pulling the drawer back open again.

I sigh, watching her dig them out.

"Well, ever since I knew about her, I wanted to get her something every year. It just...felt nice, I knew I wasn't going to give them to her, but it felt like I was actually doing something...for her." I mumble awkwardly, knowing how utterly ridiculous it sounds.

Kia smiles softly, turning the parcels in her hands.

"Give them to her. All of them." She says quietly.

"No, they're stupid." I say, trying to grab them.

"No. They're evidence. Evidence that you've been thinking about her, loving her for all this time." She says, smiling at me. She places them gently on my desk and nods, walking towards the door.

"Make sure you get her one for this year too, though!" She calls and I sigh.

Why can't it ever be simple?

I glance at my piano and realise, that actually, it's exceedingly simple. I smile, get out a new, blank piece of manuscript paper. I try and make my handwriting as neat as possible and when I'm done, I grab a spare photo frame and replace the standard paper with my finished composition.

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