Chapter 47

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Jungkook giggled but his laugh disappeared when he saw jin already starring at him with sad expression. Sejin saw it and then stood up from his chair.

"son I'll go to my room. it's late now. It was a long flight you should take rest too." Jungkook was silent until he stood up hugging sejin.

"dad I am not feeling well. Can I sleep with you? "

"son you okay?" sejin cupped jungkook face who looked pale. Jin also rushed to him but jungkook frowned leaning toward his father in law.

"love. You okay?"

"I am. And if you want to ask. I have taken medicine. Now I am going to sleep!" jungkook turned following his father in law and soon vanished in the room.

Jin sighed sitting on chair.
"love I am sorry. I was just- I am sorry." He held his face in his hands and inhaled hard.

Jungkook didn't talk with him or even glanced at him throughout the flight making every minute hard for jin. He wanted to go but the way jungkook didn't respond made jin regret every second.

"enough!" jin stood up and walked to the room he entered to see jungkook sleeping hugging his knees and his father was sitting on the couch working on laptop who looked up and smiled.

"finally! Son, please be soft toward him. I searched just now all the pills he has been taking sit here." Jin quickly sat and leaned to see the effects and formula.

More he read more he became sad

Sejin hugged him and jin held him.

"son he is weak and you know that. The medication is making him lose control of his emotions. And making him's normal and I guess he is still acting very greatly and patiently toward everything. Please. He said. He didn't complain but just almost cried that he miss you so much. You are so involved in work. He craves your presence. He misses the time with you."

"I know I- dad I will do better. I am so guilty"

"your guilt won't do any good... if you tell him you're guilty. it won't do any better toward him. Just make him feel worse.. man up and be the one you were before. "

Jin nodded and then smiled looking at his sleeping husband. He patted his thigh and smiled at his dad when he patted his shoulder.

Jin walked toward bad and slowly took the blanket away. he chuckled when jungkook whine. He leaned lifting jungkook who didn't waste a second going in his warmth.

Jin slowly walked toward his room and smiled kissing jungkook forehead.

When he reached the room he placed jungkook on the bed and then hurried closing the door changing in his pajama. he quickly went inside the blanket pulling his husband in his arms. He kissed jungkook nape and face and giggled when jungkook punched him in his sleep.

"Are you seeing any dream love?"

"bad husband!! Bad!!!" jin cooed and wrapped his arms around jungkook patting his back.

"I am sure bad husband baby.. but I can assure you I'll try to be good. just say what you want to do"


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