Chapter 40

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Jungkook was keeping his eyes shut and clutching jin shirt. He was in pain and started crying hard. This scene made jin cry but he composed himself.
"baby look at me. It will be okay look at me" jungkook didn't opened his eyes and screamed holding his chest.
Jin didn't waste a sec in tearing the shirt pushing wet tissues on his chest before calling jungkook doctor.
"jungkook is not well i am taking him there"
"is he in more pain?" jin saw how jungkook cried out.
"so much"
"okay give him three dose of the pills he is recommended it will pain but it will soothe out"
"okay doctor" Jin rubbed his chest and went to his bag taking out the pills he used to have all the time in case.
"jungkook eat this" he pushed the pills to his mouth but jungkook turned his face to other side.
"you trust me right? Please we will go to your doctor" jin eyes gone watered at that. Seeing it made Jungkook cry more. He opened his mouth and jin pushed the pills in and then Making him drink water.
After a few minutes jungkook screamed jin name. If anyone from outside Will think they are making out and that's the same his mother and follow nurses thought. Jin was quick to hug him jungkook held him for the dear life and with the least power he had.

"it's so paining" it came out of sob

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"it's so paining" it came out of sob. Jin broke the hug kissing jungkook his head a little and hugging him again.
"baby endure it that's the least thing u will endure. Please" jin made jungkook laid on bed as he continued his rubbing on jungkook chest and replacing wait tissues.
After an hour he dozed off cuz of all the pain. Jin made all arrangements and went out when they got the confirmation from the doctor.
He looked at jin and ran to him to ask but jin cut him off saying he taking jungkook with him.
"what you was do-"
"aunt i am taking jungkook to his doctor"
"what do you mean?"
Before jin could continue his doctor rushed inside looked at the pills bottle and started rambling.
"who gave you right to give our patient giving something other than our medication?"
"do u say it medication? Making one in bed so u can earn money? Just giving him some pain killers when u don't even know his condition that those pills made it worse. And the right ha?" jin walked closer to the doctor stood facing him.
"and the right you asking is i am his husband. So i have all the rights to take him away. And don't worry this hospital won't see the sunset."
"w-what do u mean.?"
"this like hos- no clinic shouldn't stay open to risk others life"
Jin walked in getting his husband ready there was no need but jin wanted to make sure his husband was comfortable. He didn't want to try that hospital ambulance as like the hospital the ambulance could be like that.
He asked jungkook doctor to send the ambulance and that came right away. Jin stayed right behind he didn't noticed yoongi until he got in car with his mother. Jin keep brushing his husband hair praying his all pain will go and he will be smiling like before.
Jungkook opened his eyes few times and when he saw jin with him hand clasped he closed his eyes sighing behind the oxygen mask.
The made jungkook to the ICU immediately and jin sat there waiting for the result he was hoping for the best. He held his tears to shed hoping jungkook will be all good.
His mother sat at the chair with him jin turned and held her hands remembering how she got to know about their marriage.. "aunt i am so sorry you got to know like that" she smiled wiping the tears away.
"i know this so long haven't u told me that u will propose him ha?" she chuckled and wiped her own tears she was happy her son had someone that is so good to him.

"i know this so long haven't u told me that u will propose him ha?" she chuckled and wiped her own tears she was happy her son had someone that is so good to him

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"p-please give us blessings we both need it."
"my blessings are always with you both"

Icu door open and doctors asked them to discuss.
"how how is jungkook?"
"i told you his condition ia not good why you didn't took him to his previous appointments?" doctor sighed and jin held his head not unable to explain. Doctor looked between the two before starting.
"we have to do an urgent surgery."
"b-but his condition"
"we know that mr. Kim. It will be a small surgery. If it went well then we will wait for his to get better and then we will do that major surgery."
"what is this surgery about.?"
"his three veins are blocked as u already know. We gave that medicine to open at least two completely.....
The second was opened due to medication and third was open as he didn't took his med-"
"is his condition worsen... N-now?" jin asked holding his hands on his thigh to control himself.
"i am afraid to say but yes mr. Kim" jin took a deep breath. Everything going to be okay. They will start a good life.
"s-so when the surgery?"
"we have given him high doze and that will may make him numb. As his condition will be a little stable they we will do that" jin nodded taking it in.
"can i see him?" the doctor nodded giving then a note not to give him any stress as both nodded.
Jin sent jungkook mom home as jungkook was sleeping and insured he will inform her as the surgery will about to be done.
Jin sat at the chair looking at his husband sighing, taking deep breaths, holding his hand kissing time to time, caressing his pale face. Rubbing his chest lightly. Praying for him that all the powers make their pain away..

 Praying for him that all the powers make their pain away

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Finally after so much struggle i was able to upload pictures

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