Little Mr Perfect (Han x Lee Know AU)

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Jisung tries hard to pass but it seems things don't always goes as plan.

WARNINGS; abuse.


Jisung has been up all night.

He's been sitting at his desk and typing things up since he got home from school the day before.

First off, Jisung wasn't the best student and he knew that. So did his parents and they didn't hate him for the grades he brought him. They just told him that they're proud of him for at least trying. Jisung just can't take information in like other high school students. So sometimes his grades don't look good as others.

But yesterday he was told amazing news.

For one of his classes, he was told that if he did excellent on his paper, like I mean, top tier, almost college material, work that he would be able to pass that class with at least a passing grade.

Which is what Jisung always aimed for.

So as Jisung finished his paper with a satisfying last click, he sits back in his seat and takes a long look.

"Done." He whispered.

A knock was heard at his door and he says a quiet, 'come in' before the door opens to his Mom.

"Hey sweetie. You ready for school?" She asked with a smile.

"No but I have some time to relax for a minute though." Jisung closes his eyes to relax them from staring at a screen for so long.

"Honey, school starts in twenty minutes."

Jisung's eyes flew open as he looks at the clock on his laptop.

7:00 am.

"Holy shit!" Jisung flew out of his seat and scrambled towards his closet. Grabbing his uniform and running past his Mom towards the bathroom.

"I'll be ready in a minute!" Jisung shouts from the bathroom before slamming the door.

Jisung quickly stripped his pajamas and hazardously threw on his uniform. Not even noticing he was missing his tie as he got to brushing his teeth.

At the same time he was brushing his teeth, he was running a hand through his hair and getting it somewhat decent.

As he finished brushing his teeth, he threw his toothbrush and opened the door to run towards his room.

He threw his dirty clothes across his room somewhere and goes back to his laptop to hit the print button. The sound of his Dad's printer heard from the other room.

Jisung then grabbed his shoes and quickly got those on before picking up his bag and running towards his Dad's office.

He enters the room and finds the printer had finished his papers. He quickly grabs them and stuffs them in his bag.

Jisung could feel his heart in his stomach as he ran around to get ready in time. He couldn't be late today because he was already on his last deadline for this paper. He had so many extensions because his teacher knew of his learning problems and was giving his chances but to make it fair for other students, this was his last one.

He then ran past the kitchen where his Mom was drinking her coffee. He waves bye to her before running outside to grab his bike from the grass.

He quickly hops on and takes off down the street. Not wasting time to do anything extra like helping the old lady with her groceries or grabbing some donuts for his friends like he always does.

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