Quokko Protection Squad (Lee Know x Han AU)

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Jisung gets confident enough to wear a skirt to school for the first time and has Minho by his side to protect him.

WARNING : feminine jisung <3


"Okay Lix. How do I look?"

Felix gasped from the other side of his phone screen as Jisung stepped out of his closet.

The slightly older boy wearing a soft blue sweater to match his pleaded blue skirt with frilly white socks and his Mary Janes.

"You look so fucking adorable Sung!" Felix squeals.

"Really? I'm so nervous about wearing my skirts to school for the firs time." Jisung admits as he plays with his fingers.

"Don't worry. You'll have Minho and the rest of the Quokka Protection Squad." Felix giggles making Jisung shake his head with a fond smile. The sound of a car horn made him wave Felix bye and end their call. He grabbed his phone and bag before heading out his room.

He makes his way down the hallway quickly towards the kitchen where his Mom and Dad sat.

"Bye sweetie! Have a good day!" His Mom shouts as she seen her son rushing.

"Nice skirt!" His Dad adds on.

"Thank you! Love you too!" Jisung shouts back as he opens the door and steps outside.

Jisung looking at his boyfriend who lean against the passenger side of the car. Waiting for his boyfriend to come outside to take to school.

"Baby boy." Minho breathes out as he steps over to him.

"What? Do I look weird? I can go change quickly-" Jisung was cut off by Minho scooping him up in a hug and spinning him around. Jisung giggles as he was sat down and Minho cups his cheeks.

"You look beautiful. As always." Minho confirms as he pecks his lips.

"Thank you. Now lets go before we're late." Jisung playfully hits his shoulder.

Minho walks over to the passenger side and opens the door for him.

"Again, thank you." Jisung shakes his head as he steps inside.

Minho jogs around to the driver side and gets in so he could pull out the driveway and take them to school. 

Jisung enjoyed the peaceful car ride of Minho holding his hand and the quiet music playing.

It didn't take long for Minho to be pulling into the parking lot and parking in his reserved spot.

Minho was quick to get out the car and run around to grab the door for Jisung. The younger stepping out with an adoring smile.

"Babe, you don't have to get the door for me every time." Jisung chuckles.

"But I want too. A princess needs someone to serve him at any time." Minho even takes his bag on his own shoulder.

"You're too much. Let's go." Jisung grabs his hand and intertwines them. Minho being the best domestic boyfriend almost made him forget he was wearing a skirt.

Then his cute fake reality came crashing down when he started to see the stares and hear the whispers.

"Hey babe! What's under that skirt?" A guy calls out and another one whistles making Minho's blood boil.

"Why don't you find someone who would willing fuck you before bothering what's mine!" Minho possessively wraps an arm around his waist and rushes him inside.

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