(123) Fatherly Figure - brotherly Anxceit and romantic Moxiety

Start from the beginning

"YOU'LL BE AN UNCLE!" Patton jumped on Janus, luckily getting caught in a hug as Janus fell against the wall. Now the sounds he heard at night made a lot more sense, as well as the spare bedroom, and the placement of their new abode... Virgil and Patton were planning to have a baby? Janus wasn't going to be the baby of the house anymore. "Oh! Can I borrow some pillows? I want to prank Virgil and you'll be the best help!"


A few months later and it was a weekend, which meant Janus wouldn't get out of his pyjamas and it would be a miracle if he chose to have a shower instead of a bath. Patton and Virgil were used to this behaviour and expected to not talk to Janus for the two days. 

When Janus emerged from his room in search of food he saw Virgil on the kitchen table searching through stacks of paper with a pen behind his ear. There was no acknowledgement Janus had even arrived which was unusual. Usually Virgil would smile at his brother whenever he was visible, but this time he just glared at all the pieces of paper with the same look he gave the road when he was driving away from his family home. "Everything alright Ve?"

No response. No acknowledgement. Just a groan and scribble on one of the sheets. "Are you alive in there?" Still nothing, even as Janus grabbed some of the chocolate cookies Patton made specifically for his husband and told Janus not to steal. "Have I lost my dear brother to the chore of taxes?" He knocked on his brother's head in the most gentle way possible in the way as he always did when Virgil was too distracted with something. The response he got back wasn't normal though.

"Leave me alone!" A boom came from his brother's voice louder than Janus had ever heard (apart from when he shouted at the police officers ten years ago for making six year old Janus cry). The sound made Janus flinch and his heart instinctively beat faster - his inner child knew what followed after a boom in his childhood home. Something that hurt a lot.

There was nothing though. Virgil silenced immediately, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape, the only sound was him trying to regain the breaths he lost in the shout. Janus was too stunned to comfort his brother though. And he was honestly scared he'd cry.

"What hap... Jan?" Patton rushed to Janus' side and hugged him. Virgil didn't even turn around, he just stayed paused with his back to the only family he had for a good four years. Patton was instead comforting the high schooler, explaining Virgil was just under a lot of stress with the upcoming baby and that it was a bad time to talk to him as he was having a bad day. And it wasn't Janus' fault at all. Virgil still loved Janus - even if his inner child was telling him the opposite.

Later that day Janus was still in his room, procrastinating whether to actually eat dinner or not. His inner child was still controlling his thoughts and anxieties when he heard a knock on the door. "Can I come in bro?"

Even though he was reluctant at first, Janus took a deep breath and verbalised a nod, seeing Virgil slowly open the door and smile at him. "First off, I'm sorry for shouting at you. It was completely unreasonable for me to react like that." Virgil spoke softly, sitting on the other end of Janus' bed so that he wasn't invading his brother's personal space while he was vulnerable.

"You're stressed right?" Janus hugged one of his legs and looked down, trying not to look at his brother. He was glad Virgil didn't force anything. A teen boy shouldn't be acting like this - that's what most teachers said to him when he was a victim of shouting in the hallways or a push in PE too hard.

"That still doesn't excuse it though. I was a bad brother and... I fear I'll be a bad dad." The last sentence was said so earnestly it seemed as though he actually believed it. And even with the amount of trauma Janus went through he could never let his brother believe such a nonsense thing.

"You'll be a great Dad Ve." Janus sat next to his brother and hugged him, and he was a lot more responsive than Janus' leg. "You pretty much raised me from a baby - and I'm pretty sure I was an annoying baby."

Virgil scoffed and chuckled, freeing a hand to ruffle his little brother's hair. "You weren't that bad. You screamed pretty loud so if you think my moans are loud you'd be surprised what I can create." Virgil was already looking so fond when he described his child - and that was what a good father was. A person that truly cared about their child. And Virgil had been that ever since he was eleven. "I wonder what the little one will look like when they arrive..."

"Well, I'm pretty sure they'll be cute." Janus began, already imagining his niece or nephew in his mind and he was so excited. Virgil nodded along, definitely agreeing, he'd called Patton cute a non-infinitesimal amount of times throughout their relationship so he couldn't help but agree. "They'll have your chocolate brown hair, their other dad's baby blue eyes and glasses, and their most amazing uncle's most beautiful model-like olive skin."

"He'll be perfect."

There was a pause as Janus processed what was just said by his amazing brother and future father. The pronoun he just said. "Wait... HE?" 

The shout was attacked with Virgil's hand strapping the voice back into the mouth as his eyes widened. "Don't. Patton wanted to keep it a secret." Janus could only raise an eyebrow and mumble but Virgil seemed to get the gist. "Even he doesn't know. But I just couldn't help looking and... God he's adorable. He apparently already has hair!"

Virgil's eyes were glistening and his smile was wide as he was freaking out about his every feature he saw in the ultrasound. It was just like a father's expression should be when he thought of his son. "Is it chocolate brown hair?" Janus managed to ask when his mouth was free, receiving another laugh from Virgil. "Wait... more important, do you have any idea what you'll name him?" Virgil smiled more, ruffling his hair and lying down on the bed, Janus following suit.

"We're going to name him Logan, boy or girl."


It was an early morning of chaos in November when Patton started having contractions, and it was around six am when cries were first heard in the hospital. The cries of a baby boy. "Oh he's so small, my little Logie..." Patton mumbled, all the energy removed from him from pushing but he still smiled at his son. Virgil was smiling too on one side and Janus on the other, gazing down at the new family member. 

"He's amazing." Virgil mumbled along, kissing Logan's forehead gently as he began to cry. "It's alright L. Dad's here." Virgil cradled his newborn and silently asked for permission to take him, which of course Patton granted. Logan only cried for a few minutes but was comforted by Virgil's rising and falling chest. However there was one family member Virgil wouldn't forget in this equation. "Come meet your nephew Jan."

Logan was a little cutie. He had baby blue eyes like every newborn but darker skin like his Uncle Janus, his hair was brown like Virgil's but curled like Patton's and he had Patton's freckles dotted all over his face. He was a loud crier like promised and had wide eyes at every moment apparently like Janus did seventeen years ago. When Janus held him he cooed and drooled, shuffling until he was in the warm embrace of his loving fathers again.

Virgil was suited to be a father ever since Janus came into the world, it was just dysfunctional back then. Now he was a real father though and he was an expert at it. Much better than what he was raised by, by a long shot. Logan was loved by everyone around him to the moon and back.

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