(123) Fatherly Figure - brotherly Anxceit and romantic Moxiety

Start from the beginning

"I'm Patton." The new person stepped forward, abandoning Virgil's hand to walk closer to Janus and hold his hand out. "I use he/him pronouns, I live just above you in this apartment block and I'm Virgil's..."

"What are pronouns again?" Yes, Janus learnt what pronouns were in second grade but he was never good at English class. Virgil, who seemed petrified, let his stress swallow at that and laughed a little at his baby brother.

"When you refer to Patton and don't use his name you use he, him, his, or himself. I think that's all of them?" Virgil walked forward to be next to Patton again, bringing an arm around his shoulders in a move that shocked Janus slightly. "That is an important part but... It isn't the part I brought him here for." Virgil paused a lot as he spoke, but as soon as he looked at Patton a wide smile came to his face and the shaky worry in his voice seemed to disappear. "Patton is my boyfriend. Is that OK?"

Virgil was almost twenty-two, he and Janus had just moved to a slightly bigger apartment in a better part of the city, and he had a stable job. There wasn't a reason why Virgil couldn't have a boyfriend if he wanted to. "Yeah. That's fine." Patton gleamed at that and brought Virgil in for a soft kiss which he reciprocated for only a second, his muscles relaxing at the simple touch. And Janus was happy to see his brother in love.


Patton settled into Janus' life pretty quickly all things considered. It began with the cheery man collecting Janus from school if Virgil was busy and if Patton had college classes free, then when Patton graduated college with a psychology degree the following summer the three of them moved into a bigger place together where Janus could actually have his own bedroom.

Virgil and Patton got married when Janus started high school but again Janus just thought it was a natural progression and nothing life changing had happened or would happen (the walls were thin so the sanctity of marriage didn't change anything). They moved yet again but this time out the city and near a local kindergarten - something Janus didn't think much of as Patton was an elementary school teacher. There was also a smaller room in the new house used for mainly storage and an occasional office but Janus didn't think much of it.

Janus returned from high school some miserable March afternoon, hung his coat on the door and mumbled to himself about the French homework he got an extension on. Junior year was difficult but it was great to have a supportive brother and brother-in-law to return to rather than perfectionist parents that might push him. Life was calmer when the other members of the household went through what he went through, and worse, not that long ago.

But he was distracted from his under-his-breath complaining when he heard a sharp gasp coming from the bathroom. "You better not be fucking in there I swear to God Ve..." Janus grumbled, taking off his gloves and going straight to the door that hid the culprit/s. There was only one voice that answered.

"Is Virgil back from work yet Jan?"

"No, he won't be back until six. What's up?" Janus' tone immediately softened when he heard Patton's voice. Patton's voice was shaky and squeaky - unlike his usual happy self. And Janus was as protective as Virgil when it came to Patton's emotions.

"Can you come in?"

Janus immediately opened the door and walked through, finding Patton standing opposite the sink with a small white stick in his hands. He was shaking more than Virgil did. "What's that?"

When Janus got closer he could see the smile creeping on Patton's face and he realised the crying was luckily happy tears. In his shaking hands was a stick with two thick blue lines. "Wait... Is that what I think it is Pat? Are you - and Virgil - and you're - you're having - wait..."

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