Chapter 6: The Gala

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Izuku POV:

I had woken up before everyone else and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I did all of the necessities such as showering, drying myself, and changing into the scheduled suit for the day. However, when I was brushing my teeth I realized that one of the green contacts had fallen out when I went to sleep. "Shit," I whispered as I only had one pair of the viridian green ones and the other pair of contacts was nonexistent. I sighed at the fact that I would have to explain why my eyes are different colors to the brats and went on about my day. I had gone to my room and reorganized everything to where it was located before the children arrived. I had even tried to work on a project that involved editing my web-shooters, but before I could the alarm to prepare breakfast rang. I groaned and put my web-shooters back on and went to Izumi's room. I turned on the light and said, "Wake up Izumi and...others," finishing the last part in disgust. Izumi woke up calmly since she was used to this, everyone else, well just the Bakugo's screamed profanity at me. "You're too loud too early in the morning. God, I feel bad for your father. Stuck with demonic children, an equally annoying mother, and her friends," I told them while webbing their mouths shut. I then whispered, "At least the Todoroki's have more sense."

Clapping my hands and turning to Izumi I asked, "Anything you want for breakfast today?" She thought about it for a moment and responded with a question, "Do we still have Katsudon?" I smiled slightly, baffled at how I thought she would want anything else. "Yes, yes we do."

I was about to walk out to 'prepare' her breakfast, but she asked, "Aren't you going to ask my friends what they want?" I gritted my teeth in slight annoyance, but I turned around with a happy expression, "Of course. What do you guys want?" They then started to list foods with ingredients we didn't have available. Shoka wanted strawberry chocolate crepes, Shoto wanted cold Soba, and the Bakugo's wanted an American breakfast called "Chicken and Waffles".

The worst part is that I couldn't reject their requests without being punished by Inko later, so I went to the kitchen and prepared the food, preparing food for Toshinori and Inko. The order of serving was Izumi, Shoka, the Bakugos, and finally Shoto. When I finally finished with everyone's food I reheated dinner from 2 days ago and ate it while watching the news. About half an hour into the news Inko came in with several bright red shoeboxes. I raised an eyebrow, but I continued to watch the news, but then the news took a slightly darker turn. The reporter then said, "The Japanese government has ruled in favor of the law to force all quirkless citizens and foreigners to wear bright red shoes. Over the next week, these members of our society will start wearing government-issued shoes that can be changed depending on the event," That's when it clicked. All of those bright red shoes were for me, and not Izumi. Inko then turned off the T.V and handed me the shoes with disgust evident in her eyes. She didn't say a word, but the message was clear, "From this day on you will no longer be able to call yourself part of this family unless I say to do so."

I was dejected and depressed, but my expression of happiness didn't change one bit. I took off my shoes and took out the equivalent from the pile of shoeboxes.

I looked at the bright red dress shoes and sighed. I took off the ones I had on and put those on. Thankfully it didn't clash with my outfit as I had a black tailored suit with a similarly bright red dress shirt and tie. I didn't look bad, but bright red shoes would now get me looked down upon by every single person I walked by. After that had been done, Inko spoke up, "Alright kids. Today we will be hosting a gala, so Izumi go and put your formal wear on. Share with Shoka and Katsumi. Fushubi share your clothing with Katuski and Shoto." "Yes, Mommy/Mother," Izumi and I said respectively as we lead our respective twins towards our room.

I went into my room, I.E the basement. I was taller and more built than Katsuki and Shoto so my suits were too big for them. I groaned and said, "Give me a minute.'' I brought out a measuring tape, pins, and a sewing machine. In just an hour I had adjusted both of the suits so that they fit. I ironed them quickly and handed the suits back, and then I kicked them out of my room as I shut off access to it as well. (A.N This is not a realistic time, but deal with it).

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