Chapter 7: New Family Part 1 of 3

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I'm 99% sure this is the most I have ever written being almost 7000 words long. So big I had to split it in 2. Anyways enjoy, there might be some grammatical errors, and like one or two inconsistencies but I'll fix it when you guys point it out.

I walked upstairs and went to the kitchen to start breakfast, but as I started to take out the ingredients I realized that my alarms didn't sound. "What time is it anyway,'' I asked myself while going to look for a clock. It happened to be 3 in the morning. "What the hell am I going to do for 3 hours,'' I accidentally mumbled out as I re-entered my room. I sat down on my chair and spun around, trying to figure out what to do. I did not feel like starting another 'Project: Eclipse' item and while I could work on my web-shooters the only thing I planned to do was make the cartridge pressurized so they would hold more web-fluid. I kept on spinning around for about an hour, listening to music, hopefully, I mentioned that before. Even if I didn't I feel like it would be pretty obvious. Do you think I just build things or run and swing around the city only listening to my thoughts? Are you crazy? I listen to music all the time, both classical and rock, and a mix of other genres. Of course, most of it is in English, a language that I was studying and barely understood. Especially since it is an Indo-European language and is not related to Japanese in any way. Wait...shit...I got off track.

Anyways, I decided to study a bit more on artificial intelligence, but I got bored quickly so I started something else. After a bit more thinking I decided to try and make a drug to numb a person's senses. No, I'm not a drug addict, well all medicines are drugs but that's beside the point. My senses are heightened to an insane degree and I preferred to administer a drug, no not heroin, than to wear clunky tech. I could probably make it not clunky, but being wanted by every country in the world means I try not to stand out. I mean, I wasn't then so didn't have a reason to not make it and in hindsight, it would have been easier, know I actually don't have a reason to have made that drug. Oh well, it worked out in the end. Nevertheless, I didn't make any progress. I was there, for 2 hours writing down different formulas and throwing them in the trash. When my alarms finally rang I went upstairs to go cook. I decided to be lazy and made some waffles and fried chicken, taking a bit longer because I decided to make myself a sandwich. Look I know I wasn't supposed to and was probably going to get smack, but I had been up for 3 hours and hadn't eaten anything. Sue me.

Nevertheless, confirming my suspicions, when I woke up Inko and Toshinori later than usual I was slapped across the face by Inko. "You woke us up late and us before your sister. Can't you do anything correctly," she questioned. "Sorry," I whispered as I hated myself for putting myself first. I should have learned that it never goes well for me when I deviate from the schedule. I started to berate myself, telling myself that I'm just making my life harder than it has to be and that i should just follow whatever they say to a T. However, I was taken out of my berating by another smack across the face. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU FUSHUBI!" I winced from the pain and stared at her in the eyes, only to be met with a harder smack. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! YOU DESERVE THIS!" After this, nothing of note happened. Well, that's a lie, but I don't want to think about this so I'm skipping over this.

After this and breakfast we went to school, well they went in a car and I went swinging. Did I mention I go to school swinging there? Let me see.

Ok yeah, I did. Anyways, I arrived at school and went to class. I was minding my own business, doing my work, but then the teacher announced, "Everyone there will be someone joining our class.'' I looked up from my laptop and I saw Momo standing there. "What the fuck,'' I whispered. "What is she doing here?" The teacher then said, "Everyone please give a warm welcome to Momo Yaoyorozu, the daughter of one of the richest families in Japan." Everyone said hello monotonously, while I rolled my eyes and went back to work. However, I was interrupted when Momo sat down at an empty desk next to me. "Hello Yagi,'' she said with a smile. "Good afternoon Yaoyorozu." She then asked, "How are your ears doing? Better I hope, and why do you have a slap mark on your face?" I replied, "My ears are perfect, almost like nothing happened in the first place." "That's good,'' she replied a little disappointed that I didn't answer her second question, but I didn't feel the need to.

Different Lives, Separate Hells Book 1: Origins (REWRITE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora