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Mysterious POV:

From the moment we are brought into the world we are taught many things. Such as the differences between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause, a winner and a loser, and a genius to an idiot. reality, the only real difference in these things is who is telling the story. A perfect example is the Izuku Yagi, well by technicality the Izuku Shimura of this universe. He was many different things to many different people. To some, he was a tool, a loser, a villain, a piece of trash, a lost cause, and an arrogant genius among many other negative things. But these people don't know his story, they only saw the negatives of the boy. To those that knew him and bits and pieces of his story, he was a hard worker, someone who could be saved, a hero, a victim, but most importantly family. Some people were indifferent to him. However, all of them only saw what he wanted them to see, secrets he was willing to share, for if he released all of them, he would be crushed under the weight for he had lived many lives, each one a separate hell.

Even the boy himself was lost in the labyrinth of his soul. Not sure who he was nor what he should be. His sanity and morality hanging by a fragile thread, that the forces of fate refused to cut. Always healing and giving the boy false hope and faith before cruelly ripping it away,

This boy has seen and lived worse than most would in a thousand lifetimes. No matter what name he went by, no matter how strong and formidable he became he was never able to save those he cared for most, and even when he was there was always a price he must have paid.

The Fates and their mother Ananke are cruel mistresses. They had given the boy a cruel and unfortunate fate. Even as a young child his life was nothing to envy, being treated as a slave by his own mother and stepfather. He learned that life only brings misery the longer you live at a young age. All because of the misfortune brought upon him from being born a demigod with the fate of the world in his hands. As such he envied everyone with a better life than him. For example, his twin sister, Izumi Yagi. Everything...and I mean everything he had ever wanted she had been given on a silver platter. She didn't know pain, she didn't struggle, she had a quirk. All she knew was a life filled with comfort and unconditional love while he experienced hell in every sense of the word. While she was trained as a hero he was trained as an assassin by the most wanted group in the world. She had everything Izuku ever, and continues to desire. Except for her brainless mind. They say too much power makes you brainless, but Izuku would find out that it was only if you relied on it.

He had soon found out he had power greater and more versatile than his sister. However, he knew he didn't need it. After all, with his mind, who needs the amount of power he wields. Some may say he is a genius, and he is, but who said even a genius didn't struggle for their position. Who said they didn't suffer the most? Who said they didn't struggle for the power...for the knowledge they wield? Whoever did is wrong, because those geniuses and their lives would drive the average being insane with grief, paranoia, or simply just insanity.

This is the story of one such genius.

This is the story of Izuku Shimura...or is it Izuku Yagi...maybe Izuku Valdez... possibly just the wanted assassin known as Alastor. Whatever his name may be at any point in time, this is the story of his tragic and miserable life. Will he ever find love or a happy ending? Let's find out together.

Yes...let us discover what molded the boy into a being of great power, stricken by trauma...


Maybe something else entirely.

Different Lives, Separate Hells Book 1: Origins (REWRITE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu