Chapter 4: Year One...I...I Miss Them

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Izuku POV:

After moving into the basement, and switching schools, my life was, you could say worse. My trainer was a woman in her 20's by the name of Kaina Tsutsumi, or as she told me to call her Lady Nagant. She trained me in a lot of things, such as fighting and taking advantage of my superhuman status. As well as weapon training, ballroom dancing, ballet, and acrobatics. Turns out she knew these too so there was no need to have to go to classes for these things. Yay. Anyhow, I was a bit talented in fighting, weapon training, and gymnastics . Turns out I was/am very flexible. However, I was absolutely horrendous at ballroom dancing and ballet. As such, we didn't focus much on it, but she showed me moves and expected me to learn them on my own time... Wait, it slipped my mind, but on the first day she read my medical files which held all of the information about what I could do. Including my photographic memory. Now, where was I, oh yeah.

Anyways, in as little as half a month, shorter than what most four year olds would have to train for. I gained muscle, but it wasn't bulky. Now don't get me wrong there is only one type of muscle and it can look bulkier or leaner or more toned depending on the person. For me, it just happened to look leaner on me. Still got a six-pack though. One of the perks of being a demigods. Physical training doesn't take as long and the results are consistently better. A small blessing that most demigods ignore, but to be honest we would be dead without it.

  Uhhhhh, what was I going to write? Ugh, having ADHD sucks. Oh, now I remember. Lady Nagant taught me, in terms of fighting, mostly boxing and kickboxing. In her own words, my boxing and kickboxing were, ''Very fluid and flexible." Mostly because I am very 'fluid', meaning I adapt easily, and am flexible. On the weapon side, she taught me how to use guns since those were her specialty, and knives too.

I also gained respect for acrobats. I didn't realize how taxing it was on the body. Especially professional gymnastics and impressive, fast, and aggressive parkour. I first found out when I no longer got rides to pre-school, but I had to run there using what I learned. However, it was also very therapeutic. The wind blowing through my hair, the speed at which I was running, and nothing else were on my mind other than moving forward. Not taking care of Izumi, not cooking, not cleaning, not training, not studying, absolutely nothing was on my mind. It was amazing. But, god if it wasn't for my water healing, yeah I have water healing that I found out I had much later. In hindsight, I should have noticed much earlier. Anyways if it wasn't for it, my body might have been destroyed and some parts may have become deformed without it over time. Think the toes/feet of ballerinas. Those things under X-Rays are disturbing.

Other than this, which wasn't even that bad, going to 'school' was worse. We, as well as ....the Bakugo's and Todoroki's, moved to a fancier preschool, Somei Private preschool. Because of the more entitled children and teachers. I couldn't even fight them unless they hurt Izumi, and believe me I wanted to so many times. However, at the same time, it scared me that I wanted to fight. It scared me that I wanted to show these kids and even the adults that I could beat the hell out of them without a quirk. It scared me that I wanted to see them fear me, they just annoyed the living hell out of me with their quirkest nature. I don't even, well I didn't, past tense, like to fight.  This along with the need to follow every word Inko and Toshinori, followed, well follows me around everywhere I go. No matter how hard I try to ignore it. This stressed me out, but believe me that didn't stop me from being an inch away from punching a kid called Neito Monoma. Trust me you would want to punch him too.

In other news, I also started to get beat up by the Bakugos and Todorokis. For the singular fact that I was quirkless and I 'wanted', more like forced to be a hero. Izumi didn't beat me up then, but she didn't interfere either. I didn't hate her or was mad at her. Instead, I was mad and spiteful towards the Bakugos and Todorokis. so I decided if I was going to be a hero I was going to do it out of 3 things. Spite, obligation, and to show them that it doesn't matter what they think and that science can be just as powerful as quirks. Well, I guess it was 4 things.

Different Lives, Separate Hells Book 1: Origins (REWRITE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ