Chapter 3: First Day

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(I decided to release the 'arcs' as I finished them. Usually I would do it until I finished the whole thing, but I don't want to leave you all for weeks without a single update. Also, there are small changes made to the previous chapter. Also while reading the beginning don't question me. There is no way you can convince me of the American government, I'm a U.S citizen by the way. As I was saying there is no way you can convince me that the American government didn't immediately pour millions of dollars into making artificial and strong superpowers that could be massed produced when they first heard of a glowing baby and superpowers in China. The powers would most certainly be based on comics so don't post comments saying, 'He's Tony Stark.' Shut up. I need to enjoy myself too. Plus the documents already had most everything done or at least determining if it was possible. And if your going to post these comments at least be funny with it.)

I spent the next few hours scrolling through the documents. While doing so I wondered, 'Why am I doing this. I don't even want to be a hero.' I shook my head and muttered out loud, "I have to be a hero. I have to be perfect. I have to make Mother and Father proud. I need their approval." Anyways there were a lot of interesting things on the documents. Such as an impenetrable shield, a suit of high-tech armor, nanotech, metal wings, and a so-called, 'Super Soldier Syrum.' However, all of these were hard to manufacture. Also, I wasn't able to understand a lot of the math, engineering, and a bit of the science in these. I didn't want to risk failing and seriously injuring myself. However, I was seriously interested in nanotech and 'Super Soldier Serum'. Nanotech was also, most likely the easiest of all of them. There are certain nanotech systems in place today that are overshadowed by quirks. If I could figure out how these companies make this nanotech successfully and how they program them, there is an array of things that I could do. However, that would be until I got or had the knowledge of a bachelor's degree in mechanical, computer, biomedical, chemical, and electrical engineering.

After looking through it for so long I decided to get some junk food. It was a lot of sweets, too much to be honest. There was an array of chips, juice, cookie, and candy.

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Anyways, with the junk food prepared, the playlist still going on, which was currently playing, 'Light Em Up," by Fall Out Boy. It was ironic seeing as it was midnight. Getting back on track I continued to scroll but was disappointed by what started showing up. Like, let me just list a few off. A headband that makes lasers that follow your head movement, throwing stars shaped like bats, electric batons, and shrinking to the size of an ant. You would not be able to live at that size without oxygen tanks and you would be as dense as a white dwarf star. I.E 2000000000 kilograms per cubic meter. (If it's wrong, tell me. I got this from a video explaining the real-life science that would be behind the Ant-Man suit). Without any compensation, I would fall right through the Earth. Then I noticed this was canceled. 'Good,' I thought. I continued to scroll. However, I was sort of sad when my Bluetooth ran out of battery and I still had over 60 hours of battery left on my music player. I stood up and put them both to charge. I went back to the computer and was about to quit scrolling when I saw something. "Artificial Spider-Silk and Web-Shooters. (Also Web-Grenades)" 'This seems...promising. Very promising," I muttered out.

If I was anyone else I would have scrolled right past it. However, I remembered reading about how strong spider-silk is. Spider silk is stronger than steel on a per weight basis and is also tougher than Kevlar. In and of itself spider silk is practically a superpower spiders have had since they existed.

The documents broke it down as simple as they could and with my education level at that time I understood it perfectly. (A.N Warning, I barely understood this but this is the information I found concerning artificial spider silk. The problems of writing a genius. Another author's note will show up when this is finished.) The artificial spider silk dubbed 'polymeric amyloid' fiber was produced by bacteria that were genetically engineered. This lab-engineered bacteria could produce recombinant spider silk that matched its natural counterparts in all the main mechanical properties. These scientists from America modified the amino acid sequence of spider silk proteins to introduce new properties while keeping some of the attractive features of spider silk.

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