Chapter 15: The Sky Is All Red

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So I should probably mention that this chapter is quite literally JUST trauma-inducing five months of torture. I'll try my best to be as graphic as possible, so if you don't want to see an eight-year-old get tortured just skim over parts of the chapter. POVs will mostly be third person seeing as I don't think anyone would explicitly write months' worth of torture in a journal recounting their life. Oh, and the chapter name is symbolic of something in this chapter. If you can figure it out post it in the comments.

Izuku POV:

For the next five months living was hell. Even thinking made my body burn with pain. If I could summarize those five months in one word it would be...hell. More so than ever before.

3rd Person POV:

1st day of hell

Jason continued to walk forward and bent down to meet Izuku face-to-face. ''NICE TO MEET YOU,'' the towering man shouted as his machete pierced Izuku's left shoulder. Izuku shouted in pain, tears threatening to fall down his face. Through gritted teeth he muttered, ''Is that the best you got?" Under his mask, Jason smiled sadistically. ''Not by a long shot,'' he whispered into Izuku's ear as he twisted the machete.

As Izuku screamed in pain once again Jason pulled the machete from the wound and stabbed into Izuku's right thigh. However, Jason was far from over as he slowly pushed the machete deeper and dragged it down; he knew exactly where to hurt to cause the most amount of pain without hitting a vital area.

At this point, Izuku couldn't control the tears and they slid down his cheeks and landed on the floor. ''Oh I'm going to enjoy this,'' Jason said as he let go of his machete. He proceeded to beat Izuku's face with his large fists. Blood went everywhere, staining the clothes of both the victim and the torturer.

Meanwhile, All for One looked on with a cold gaze. He could almost feel the ground from continents away shaking. ''Well Poseidon, if you get this angry at just this then I would hate to see the havoc you will wreck by the time we're done with him.''

6th day of hell

Izuku had been released from the chair he was chained to, but not that he preferred it. In fact, he hated it, because Jason took it as an opportunity to hang him from the wall with a chain wrapped around his neck like he was a punching bag. His arms and legs were restrained, however, they weren't restrained with chains simply wrapped around his arms and legs. Instead, spikes were jabbed through his palms and soles which were connected to chains that has stakes in the ground. 

Currently, Izuku was left alone, a blindfold obscuring his vision. Ice-cold water droplets were dropping on his head at random intervals. He tried to calculate when they would drop, but it was starting to drive him crazy. His Divider drug had started to run out and his senses were in overdrive. The cold metallic feeling of his chains was driving him insane. Couple that with the smell of iron courtesy of his blood, the only sound being the clattering of chains, his breath and thoughts being painfully loud.

Then he heard the sound he came to most fear. The sound of Jason's boots hitting the ground. ''no. nononononono. NOOOOO! GET AWAY FROM ME!'' Jason's footsteps only got louder and then the blindfold was harshly ripped off Izuku's eyes. Izuku tried to rip his chains off but it only cause him more pain. ''Lost all your fight already. We're only getting started Izuku.'' ''GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!"

Jason opened the coat he was wearing and pulled out a crowbar. ''C'mon Izuku, it's not fun,'' he reeled the crowbar back, ''if you don't FIGHT BACK!" He swung full force into Izuku's jaw shattering it. Izuku's sense of touch and feeling went into overdrive and caused him increased levels of pain. Jason reeled the crowbar back and started to beat Izuku relentlessly. Breaking countless bones including Izuku's femurs, joints, and forearms.

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