Chapter 12: The Death Of Happiness

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Izuku POV:

After the...fight with Sora and Hinata, I used the money I gained from the black market to move Yuki to the best hospital in Japan. Now was it far away yes, did I have connections with gangs in the area so I could find a place to stay as well? Also yes.

I moved into a large studio apartment and worked relentlessly on Yuki's cure. I knew for a fact Sora and Hinata already took the 'cure', but if they had waited a few more months they wouldn't have gotten a one hundred percent solution but that's neither here nor there. What is here is the fact that I put a better solution on hold for them and spent my efforts on Yuki.

And no matter how smart I was my body had its limits. Reluctantly I activated A.O.I and had him hold various calculations on the side, which included the number of people who had died from my actions to sell the drug formulas on the black market. I may have not cared that the crime happened because of my efforts to save my friends, but I still felt guilty.

Regardless let's get back on topic. Let's talk about Yuki's murderer, the D.Q.D. The more her quirk factor spread the more her individual cells would teleport in and out of these dimensions and into the one she goes into when she teleports. There were several occasions where organs would simply vanish out of existence and back into her body as if nothing happened. And while teleportation never hurt Yuki having individuals' cells deconstruct themselves, travel to a different dimension, and reform and merge back into her body did. The stress was too much and the radiation from the therapy to slow the process only made it more painful and taxing.

There's a reason it has a 100% death rate because everything is always too much for a child's body. So if I wanted Yuki to stay alive I had to strengthen her body, and just so happens that Project: Eclipse had a super soldier serum. The Americans tried to recreate it during the insurgence of quirks and when the quirkless still outnumbered the quirked population. It failed, regular science that abided by the usual laws of science just didn't work. But here's the thing, regular science doesn't exist anymore. Quirks break the laws of science every day and I could figure out how to extract the power from the quirk factor and integrate it with suitable technology. Sure I needed a direct and preserved sample but that was easy enough.

I sold more drugs in return for the DNA of muscle and health augmentation quirks, from simple strength multipliers to healing quirks able to reattach limbs. I rearranged, combined, and destroy mixes of quirk factors. Over the course of 2 weeks, every combination was too volatile and would overload the user. A body is only built to have a singular quirk after all. But solutions, robots can be built to handle as many as necessary. A combined and recombined quirk mixtures with the help of A.O.I until I made a robot whose quirk factors could make a viscous but gross liquid that would enhance the user's body permanently. Now I hear you, oh Izuku did you take it? Of course, I fucking did.

Just not then. Mistake on my part but hindsight is twenty/twenty.

Now the problem was that it was too strong, but I infused it with some soil and used a growth quirk factor to make it grow in a day. I grabbed the plant, which I used inspiration from the heart-shaped herb from the Black panther to make it, and ground it; later I diluted that in 1:10 gallons of water ratio. When it was done I fed it to Yuki.

I saw immediate improvements, but I had to take Yuki off radiation therapy for it to work, but I left her in the hospital. They could monitor her constantly and I couldn't

Now I probably shouldn't write anything more down in a journal so that's enough science talk. Time to stop putting off the bad memories.


Past Izuku POV:

I was swinging to the hospital after going back to the new place to freshen up. I got to the hospital with a bouquet of flowers in hand and entered Yuki's room. The anxiety in my system was going crazy, she just woke up yesterday. I could feel every piece of jewelry I was wearing. The engagement ring on my right ring finger, the bracelet from Touya, my web shooters, the goggles from Aizawa and the best friends forever necklace, the golden choker that refused to get off, and the needle I was using for a hairpin.

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