Chapter 16

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So this chapter will be a few different POVs. Poseidon, Hades, and All Might. All of these are going to be in third person limited.

Poseidon POV:

Poseidon was no longer a vindictive god, that he could announce proudly. Well...he was no longer as vindictive as he was in days past, however, fate was trying him.

In a fit of weakness and passion, he had fallen for a mortal woman by the name of Sally Jackson. Their love was as unrequited as it was strong. However, even after Poseidon had to leave and return to his kingdom below the waves of the ocean he yearned to be with Sally.

Even more so after learning of her pregnancy, and their son Perseus. Nevertheless, the pair was close enough to touch but far enough to cause pain. Poseidon could not be with either in fear of Zeus's violent retribution for having broken their pact or monsters chasing after Sally and Perseus.

So, even though it pained him, Poseidon stayed away and observed. Yet, not even the gods are invulnerable to their desire. With all the sorrow in Poseidon's heart, he had resolved to drown it away with Dionysus's special alcohol reserved for the most grandiose parties in Olympus.

Poseidon drank and drank until his vision went black and he awoke in a strange alley with an unconscious and naked green-haired Japanese woman on the floor who had semen leaking out from her. The redness around her eyes and the tears that had clung to her supple skin showed that she had cried, for hours.

Within mere moments, the god of the sea had realized that the woman was a victim of his carnal desires. In a panic, Poseidon teleported away to the nearest ocean coast and tried to regain any memory of the previous night.

It proved to be fruitless despite Poseidon's best efforts.

And that's when Poseidon remembered he had a wife, prone to suspicion and anger. He quickly teleported to his palace and went to placate Amphitrite.

However, the only thing truly on his mind was the green-haired woman he had raped and assuredly impregnated. He had just given light to two children that could bring about the fall of Olympus.

Now all he could do was watch.

Months after the birth of Perseus, Poseidon's second child was brought into the world. And while Poseidon could not witness the birth of Perseus, the second child was born so far away that Poseidon could take the risk.

Hiding his presence Poseidon stayed for the birth of two children. The first was a boy who radiated Poseidon's energy. And the second was a mortal girl from which Poseidon could feel was pure mortal and had not an ounce of godly blood.

However, Poseidon could feel that his son was peculiar. Save for the red eyes and freckles, Poseidon was off-put by his son's ability to feel his presence. The boy had just come out of the womb and after looking at the nurses look in the exact spot Poseidon was hiding.

However, there was something else that Poseidon couldn't quite put his hands on. It was strange, but Poseidon shrugged it off and found comfort in that only one of the twins was his.

He teleported away and returned to his underwater kingdom.

Over the next few years, Poseidon observed the lives of both of his children, both of which were less than stellar. The oldest, Percy as he liked to be called, had Sally who was a loving and attentive mother.

However, Izuku had no one. Well, no one was a bit incorrect. He had his sister, Aizawa, and Touya. But when it came down to it, Izuku was alone. Aizawa and Touya had their own busy lives, lives that prohibited them from being around Izuku as much as they would like.

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