Chapter 19: Bad Omens

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Izuku stared at the destruction of the bathroom. Frost covered the bathroom, the faucet of the sink and shower head were impaled into the wall, and the porcelain base of the sink and toilet was cracked. Izuku winced in guilt as Esperance would need to repair the damages he caused, and that would cost a lot of money that she didn't currently have.

However, his guilt was promptly overshadowed by fear when he heard two pairs of footsteps running to the bathroom. Izuku grabbed a towel and attempted to cover up his scar-littered body, he found it repulsive. His skin used to be as soft and unblemished as porcelain, but now he was littered with cracks.

"No! Don't come in!"

His pleading fell on deaf ears and the door burst open.

A worried Esperance yelled, "Megumi are you ok," as she opened the door. However, when the door fully opened she saw Izuku struggling to cover up. She was horrified. She had seen glimpses of the scars on Izuku's hands, face, and neck but she could have never imagined how bad it could be. The more she looked the more scars appeared.

Leo covered his mouth and whispered, "Oh my god.''

In a low voice, Izuku begged for them to look away.

However, their morbid curiosity kept their eyes fixed on the scars. Esperanza took slow small steps towards Izuku. "Mijo que to paso?'' (Translation: What happened to you?) Izuku looked away, "Hell.'' A part of him was touched they cared more about him than they did about the state of the bathroom, but he wished they were more distracted by the destruction.

Esperanza helped her son put on the towel.

"I can do it by myself Okaa-san.''

Esperanza gave him a small smile and with kindness in her eyes she told him. " You won't always be able to do things on your own. You need to rely on others." She gave him a soft hug. "And as long as I'm alive you will never go through that again.'' Izuku stayed quiet. "And as long as we're together you'll never go through it alone,'' Leo said as he joined the hug. "You got it, Jack Frost?''

Izuku nodded as he thought of Sora. He would affectionately call Izuku Jack Frost ever since his hair turned white. With a sad and pained smile, he asked, "Jack Frost?"


Izuku found himself clothed, eating popcorn, and watching an old movie called "Rise of The Guardians" as he sat next to Leo. "So he's a spirit of winter? Like a god?'' Leo shrugged. "No sé. But it's still a cinematic masterpiece." Izuku sighed so he continued watching the movie as Amaterasu lay at his feet. Esperanza was currently calling contractors and plumbers to see how much repairs would cost.

"...So how'd you destroy the bathroom anyways.''

Izuku sighed, he considered lying but he couldn't bring himself to lie to Leo. "I tried to, I tried to do what you did with fire."

"That didn't look like fire."

"...It was water. I exploded the water."

"So? Aquaman?"

Izuku gave Leo an annoyed stare. "No. Not Aquaman. I don't think he could have made frost."

Leo thought for a moment and paused the T.V. "C'mon let's go outside."

Izuku groaned as he followed the younger boy to the small backyard. "What are we doing here?" Leo ignored Izuku's questions and turned on the hose long enough to make a large puddle. "Do it.'' Izuku looked at Leo in confusion. "Do what?"

"Pendejo que mas? Make it go boom. For a genius eres un idiota.''

Izuku rolled his eyes but did as he was told. He focused back on that bottomless pit of anger, resentment, and pain that existed in his soul. If he was going to have it shackle him to the past he was going to make use of it.

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