Chapter 17: Halfway Across The World, Over Twice The Trauma

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I'm writing this chapter in the third person to ask you guys whether you like Izuku writing in the journal format for most chapters, or if you prefer for me to write in the regular 3rd person pov and just stick to Izuku recapping his life for the end of big events or if you would prefer for me to rewrite this entire chapter in his POV. 

3rd person POV:

Izuku was stuck in a perpetual nightmare from the moment he fell unconscious. The months of torture and Sora's death were on a loop. At one point Izuku didn't know if everything was a dream since the beginning. However, he knew that everything was real.

His pain was too real to be a dream.

Then he woke up. He shot forward like a rocket on edge and ready to be tortured only to be met with, ''Shore?''

Izuku looked down as his hands relished the feeling of the warm sand. Usually, he would have hated the sand, the individual grains of it driving his senses crazy, but after the past 5 months of freezing cold and pain, he couldn't help but smile.

But it quickly dropped as he remembered everything. Izuku looked around to see where he was, but he was met with a few other surprises. For one his emergency bags for if he ever needed to escape the house. Another was the shamisen next to the bag, next was that in his hand he was holding his friendship necklace and Sora's wedding ring, and the final surprise was the not-so-little fire puppy with three tails.

''AMATERASU,'' Izuku yelled as he tackled his dog in a hug. Well as much of a hug as he could with a barely functioning left arm, he couldn't even twitch a finger.

The hellhound woke up in shock but quickly reciprocated the love as it began licking her owner's face. If the pain of losing Sora wasn't fresh Izuku could have cried in happiness. He was finally outside his prison, his hell.

If he wasn't so relieved he would have been asking a million questions.

Izuku stopped hugging Amaterasu and patted her head. ''You got so big, girl.'' It was true. She was the size of a full-grown wolf already.

Amaterasu barked and nuzzled into Izuku's side.

Izuku's relief wore out as his pain poked its ugly head out of the corner. ''Left arm useless for combat. My balance will be thrown off. Boxing rendered useless. Defense dropped. Less power. Resort to legs.'' Izuku was still in survival mode even after finally escaping.

''Amaterasu pass the bag I need to see what we have.''

As she grabbed the bag Izuku struggled a bit putting the ring on his friendship necklace and putting the necklace on. ''Have to get used to this and fast.''

Amaterasu dropped the bag in front of Izuku, who rewarded her with head scratches.

Searching the bag Izuku found about what he expected. The rations were the same and he was glad he packed a pair of clothes into this bag as well, after all the loincloth he was wearing was not going to cut it.

He put on the emergency clothes, making sure no one was around. Continuing to look through the bag he found his laptop, music player, goggles, bracelet, engagement ring, and earring. Putting on the jewelry Izuku looked through the last and final pouch. He didn't put anything in the last pouch, but he still checked it as a precautionary measure.

In it, he found that bronze pocket knife that Sora gifted him on his sixth birthday. He ran his finger across the handle and reminisced on the good memories.

Izuku stuffed the pocket knife in his pocket and looked into the pocket once again finding a letter. Hesitantly, he grabbed it.

''Should I open it girl?"

Different Lives, Separate Hells Book 1: Origins (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now