26. Aura

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[Just remembered I forgot to insert a quote that you guys commented a few chapters ago.]

[Super sorry, but uh, yeah. Oops.]



"Huh? What do you mean 'we won't be prepared for what's happening next?'"

Echo spun around, eyes darting across all corners of the room. The sea of guests were staring at them now, more specifically Echo himself. The wisp ignored the attention, surveying the room sceptically.

Y/N blinked, staring at him. Though she couldn't hear what he was, the eyes glaring at her in her peripheral. She narrowed her own eyes, observing Echo's behavior and trying to decipher the feeling of an ethereal tongue crawling up her neck.

Though it's almost impossible to tell, Echo did have irises and pupils however they were only just a shade lighter than the rest of his eyes. If you were to squint and peer closely, you'd be able to see the pure white orbs darting around the room, surveying the crowd and the deepest cracks in the walls.

Goosebumps scraped their scythe up her arms, leaving trails of the ghostly bumps all up her skin. Y/N frowned, watching how the crowd glared daggers at not her, but her friend at her side. Echo was the only soul wisp here, the only pure magic creature here.

[And he's also player two.]


A forced cough captured their attention before the glared blades could cut the boy's skin, rendering his own goosebumps to sit idly and leave the hairs on his neck standing alone.

"Do not fear, my glorious guests," the voice was flat and monotone but somehow conveyed more emotion with every word. "The problem shall be dealt with simply and swiftly. Do not let this spoil your evening, resume the music!"

Technoblade descended the stares slowly, and as the crowd's gaze shifted from the two in the centre of the room back to their own lives, Technoblade's sharp ruby of eyes didn't once leave Y/N's. As he grew closer, she couldn't help but notice how the pupils weren't an opaque black, but instead a dark marron hue that complemented the edges of his crystal hues.

Cheer and chatter became white noise once again, and the king now stood in front of the two. Finally, he took his eyes away from the girl, observing the soul wisp in front of him. He looked Echo up and down, then back to Y/N, and both parties could almost see the cogs turning in the King's head.

"He's your Soulwisp, isn't he?" Technoblade mumbled, "you're a mage, aren't you?"

Magic is an aura. It's the soul within projecting itself, however magic can grow in the wild. Its how wisps and sylphs are formed, when enough pure magic joins together to create a living being. Living magic.

Magic, spells, runes - anything of that sort gives off an aura, and said aura is incredibly difficult to conceal. It's why mages can sense one another's power level; the stronger the mage, the more prominent and potent the aura. Its almost like their magic is billowing from them, bleeding away as there is not enough space to hold it all.

It's invisible to the naked eye and has no smell, but it has a taste. It has a feel. It has the faintest of sounds.

If the room was entirely silent and if you had the best ears in the world, after straining for awhile, you'd be able to hear a low humming. The distant sound of clocks ticking, of crystals clinking. Of ice tapping glass, of ladybugs dancing across a hall of bells.

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